Joy Reid provokes anger by attacking Thanksgiving


MSNBC’s Joy Reid has attacked Thanksgiving calling it a ‘simplistic fairytale’ based on a lie Republicans rely on to cover up America being founded on ‘genocide.’

The host opened Wednesday’s edition of the ReidOut by attacking the holiday and its traditions as millions of Americans prepare for festivities.

Reid said for millions of Americans Thanksgiving is a day of cherished tradition, but the holiday was in fact based around a series of ‘historical inaccuracies.’

‘It is built on this myth that the indigenous welcomed their colonizers with open arms and ears of corn,’ said Reid.

‘A simplistic fairytale interpretation of a 1621 encounter between indigenous tribes and English settlers that erases the genocide that followed.

‘It’s the truth that Republicans want banned from our textbooks.’

Joy Reid provokes anger by attacking Thanksgiving

MSNBC’s Joy Reid has attacked Thanksgiving calling it a ‘simplistic fairytale’ based on a lie Republicans rely on to cover up America being founded on ‘genocide’

She goes on to say that Republicans ‘desperately’ want to keep this ‘secret’ because America is in fact a country ‘founded on violence.’

‘Our birth was violent, in 1619, a ship with more than 20 enslaved Africans landed in Virginia ushering in two centuries of American slavery that left millions in chains or dead,’ she said.

‘When those humans in bondage were finally free, a terrorist organization that was a card-carrying member of polite society the Ku Klux Klan picked up where the civil war ended.

Reid goes on to say that ‘using violence to maintain white supremacy the Klan and its ilk’ remain active in the United States.

‘As Americans we continue to choose violence, we are a country that chooses violence over and over again. There is no facet of American society that is untouched by it,’ she said.

While some supported her views, praising the progressive host for her ‘truth telling’ others slammed Reid’s comments.

Reid began her journalism career in 1997, and in July 2020, MSNBC announced that Reid would host a new Washington-based weeknight commentary show, The Reid Out, in which many of her controversial comments have been aired

Reid began her journalism career in 1997, and in July 2020, MSNBC announced that Reid would host a new Washington-based weeknight commentary show, The Reid Out, in which many of her controversial comments have been aired

While some supported her views, praising the progressive host for her 'truth telling' others slammed Reid's comments calling out her 'hate' for the United States

While some supported her views, praising the progressive host for her ‘truth telling’ others slammed Reid’s comments calling out her ‘hate’ for the United States

Mark Reed Levin, an American lawyer, author, and radio personality who is host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show tweeted: ‘Screwed up head case who’s hate for our fabulous country knows no limits.’

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President of News Cycle Media and Breaking News editor at DC Examiner Jon Nicosia called Reid ‘American hating’ and tweeted: ‘America-hating, talentless homophobe with bad hair.’

Others questioned Reid’s analysis asking whether Americans could ‘enjoy anything’: ‘Are we not allowed to enjoy anything?’

One twitter user said: ‘Joy has nothing if she can’t race bait. Sad’

Another said: ‘Your racist venomous poison is affecting your ability to distinguish between your rhetoric & reality. Get help!’

In March, Reid faced backlash for on-air comments criticizing the media’s coverage of the conflict in Ukraine, a topic she says is being elevated above wars involving ‘brown and black’ people around the world.

Reid argued that Americans only care about the war because Ukrainians are ‘white and largely Christian.’

In March, Reid argued that Americans only cared about the war in Ukraine because Ukrainians are 'white and largely Christian'

In March, Reid argued that Americans only cared about the war in Ukraine because Ukrainians are ‘white and largely Christian’

'All she likes to do is go out there and stir up racial hatred,' journalist Megyn Kelly said of Reid's comments, during a televised interview with Sky News Australia

‘All she likes to do is go out there and stir up racial hatred,’ journalist Megyn Kelly said of Reid’s comments, during a televised interview with Sky News Australia

Conservative commentators were quick to lambaste Reid’s remarks.

‘All she likes to do is go out there and stir up racial hatred,’ journalist Megyn Kelly said of Reid’s comments, during a televised interview with Sky News Australia.

‘Her point, of course, is stupid and unsupported.’  

Kelly, 51, continued: ‘I was on Fox News when the Syrian crisis happened,’ addressing Reid’s comparison between Western coverage of the two conflicts.

‘We led with that story all the way over here in America – night, after night, after night,’ Kelly said. ‘She was just too, apparently, moronic to pay attention.’

Of Reid’s racially charged segment, the former Fox news firebrand said: ‘The fact that NBC and MSNBC will allow this, is an absolute disgrace.’

Reid began her journalism career in 1997, and in July 2020, MSNBC announced that Reid would host a new Washington-based weeknight commentary show, The Reid Out, in which many of her controversial comments have been aired.

Joy Reid also slammed the NFL for trying to 'sanitize Blackness' from the Super Bowl after Eminem took the knee during the half-time show

Joy Reid also slammed the NFL for trying to ‘sanitize Blackness’ from the Super Bowl after Eminem took the knee during the half-time show

Earlier this year, Reid slammed the NFL for trying to ‘sanitize Blackness’ from the Super Bowl after Eminem took a knee during the half-time show.

The MSNBC host, wearing a football jersey in support of Colin Kaepernick, said she has fallen out of love with the game over its apparent inaction against racism and the lack of Black coaches in the sport, in comments echoing President Joe Biden.

Reid and her panel of hosts noted how Eminem has been praised for taking the knee during his performance in what was nothing more than a ‘performative’ gesture, but Kaepernick has remained unsigned for years after starting the protest.

Her comments echoed those made by President Joe Biden ahead of the Super Bowl, after he criticized the lack of Black coaches in the sport.

In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt on Sunday, he demanded that the NFL improve its record of promoting head coaching diversity in the wake of recent allegations of racism. Currently, just two of the league’s 32 coaches are Black.

Biden told NBC that he agreed with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who on Wednesday said the league had ‘fallen short’ on hiring minority coaches.

‘The whole idea that a league that is made up of so many athletes of color, as well as so diverse, that there’s not enough African American qualified coaches to quote, ‘to manage,’ these NFL teams, it just seems to me that it’s a standard that they’d want to live up to,’ Biden said.

‘I don’t know if there’s not a requirement of law, but it’s a requirement I think of some just generic decency,’ he added.

Last year amid her feud with Nicki Minaj, Reid – whose parent company NBC Universal requires vaccination for all in-office employees like herself – admitted on her show that she was hesitant to take the COVID-19 vaccine under the Trump administration.

‘Listen, I understand the hesitancy,’ she said as she spoke to Michael Dyson on her show about Minaj, who she had been feuding with.

Reid admitted she used to be 'hesitant' toward the COVID-19 vaccine during the Trump administration. Since Biden took office, she has been pro-vaccine and has since been vaccinated

Reid admitted she used to be ‘hesitant’ toward the COVID-19 vaccine during the Trump administration. Since Biden took office, she has been pro-vaccine and has since been vaccinated

‘I was hesitant when Donald Trump was out there controlling the CDC and controlling the FDA and manipulating them and making them put out falsehoods. Anybody rational was hesitant.’

Reid later changed course when Biden took office and had been pushing the vaccine, especially among the black community, which had the lowest vaccination rate in the US.

‘But the reality is now what I really fear is more masses of people dying; 666,000 people have died. And, disproportionately, they look like you and me, Michael,’ she said in September 2021.

Reid agreed with Dyson when he applauded Minaj for encouraging those with vaccine hesitancy to study up on the vaccine’s effectiveness on her show on Thursday.

Earlier, Reid blasted Minaj for using her 22 million followers to spread false information about the vaccine.

The hip-hop star had claimed her cousin’s friend in Trinidad got the vaccine and experienced swollen testicles as a result, which lead to republican Tucker Carlson and others to back the anti-vaccine view Minaj was supposedly espousing.

Reid was angered by Minaj’s supposed misuse of her platform.

‘You have a platform, sister, that is 22 million followers, OK? I have two million followers. You have 22 million followers on Twitter,’ Reid said of Minaj on her show during a discussion about vaccine mandates.

‘For you to use your platform to encourage our community to not protect themselves and save their lives, my God sister, you can do better than that!’

In response, Minaj pulled out an old Tweet when Reid herself was hesitant about the vaccine and called out Reid for being ‘so thirsty to down another black woman.’

Reid, an outspoken critic of President Trump, faced controversy surrounding homophobic blog posts on her now-defunct website that Mediaite first uncovered in December 2017.

After Mediaite uncovered another trove of inflammatory remarks, Reid alleged that somebody retroactively hacked her website, which allegedly prompted an investigation by the FBI. 

In June 2018, Reid did not blame or mention hackers, but instead apologized and said she ‘deeply regretted’ her actions. 

‘I’m a better person today than I was over a decade ago,’ she said. 

‘There are things I deeply regret and am embarrassed by, things I would have said differently and issues where my position has changed.

‘I’m sincerely apologizing again.’


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