Scott Morrison fires back at Facebook trolls in the wake of his election defeat as he mows the lawn


Scott Morrison brutally slaps down a troll who mocked him for mowing his OWN lawn – as footage emerges of the ex-PM doing a daggy dad dance after DESTROYING his competition at ten pin bowling

  • Scott Morrison hit back at a troll who mocked him on his Facebook page  
  • The former PM posted a selfie of him mowing the lawn at his south Sydney home
  • A woman commented: ‘Must be hard having to mow your own lawn now’ 
  • But Mr Morrison quipped back saying ‘not really, [it’s] nice to be outside’ 
  • It comes days after he shared photos of him dancing at a family bowling game 

While Scott Morrison has stepped down from the nation’s top job, the former prime minister has not shied away from the public eye – continuing to share his life with his devoted fans online. 

Mr Morrison fired up his Facebook this weekend to update followers on how he has been spending his newfound free time, including bowling with family and catching up on household chores.

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The Liberal MP also appears to have embraced another habit – replying to trolls rather than turning the other cheek as he did when he was PM. 

On Saturday, the ex-PM shared a selfie taken from the garden as he mowed the lawn of his suburban south Sydney home, where his family returned to three weeks ago after being forced to vacate Kirribili House. 

‘Back on the tools,’ the caption read, as Mr Morrison smiled from beneath a black cap. 

Scott Morrison fires back at Facebook trolls in the wake of his election defeat as he mows the lawn

Scott Morrison shared a photo of himself mowing the lawn on Facebook on Saturday, writing that he was ‘back on the tools’

The post quickly racked up more than 33,000 likes and hundreds of shares as devotees threw their support behind the federal member for Cook. 

However, many others  – including Bev Manietta – used the update as an opportunity to take a dig at the politician. 

‘Must be hard having to mow your own yard,’ she wrote. 

But Mr Morrison did not take the comment sitting down, quickly quipping back. 

‘Not really, nice to be outside, chat to people walking past, catch up with the neighbours,’ he wrote. 

The former prime minister hit back at one social media user after his post drew many negative comments

The former prime minister hit back at one social media user after his post drew many negative comments 

While Mr Morrison  frequently spoke out about trolls targeting his family during his time in office, he was not known to directly respond to critics online.

According to a social media commenting policy on his website, posts deemed offensive, including those that contain ‘hate speech’, ‘trolling’,  or ‘deliberately provocative and do not contribute positively to the debate’, may be deleted by his team. 

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Garden maintenance is not the only activity Mr Morrison has resumed since being booted from office during Labor’s crushing defeat on May 21, with other posts showing him practising the ukelele, watching football, and cooking curry. 

Last Wednesday, he shared a video of himself doing a celebratory dance during a bowling game after scoring a strike. 

Mr Morrison also shared a video of him dancing after scoring a strike while bowling with family

Mr Morrison also shared a video of him dancing after scoring a strike while bowling with family 

After bowling the strike, Mr Morrison could be seen jumping forward on each foot, then leaping backwards, before tapping the base of his shoe with his hand behind his back.  

‘Have always enjoyed having a bit of fun going bowling,’ he wrote alongside the clip. 

‘I remember my Dad taking our family bowling when me and my brother were young. Has been nice to be doing the same back in the Shire with family and friends. Found a bit of form tonight.’ 

‘Thanks to all the regulars at Southgate who came up and said g’day.’ 

The former PM then shared a photo of his final blowing score, revealing he absolutely destroyed the other three people he’d been competing against.

In the photo, shared on the same post, Mr Morrison revealed he had scored a whopping 194 for the game after bowling six strikes.

His closest competition was someone who scored 120 points.

The former PM destroyed his competition at bowling, scoring a massive 194 points

The former PM destroyed his competition at bowling, scoring a massive 194 points



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