45% cut in foreign aid, and 43% in housing programs: Republicans propose their OWN budget


45% cut in foreign aid, work requirements for Americans on food stamps or Medicaid, and a 43% slash in housing programs: Republicans propose their OWN budget slashing ‘wasteful spending’ as Biden prepares to announce his

  • President Biden is set to unveil his budget Thursday in Philadelphia
  • Key advisor to House Republicans wants to slash $37 billion from health
  • Sen. Rick Scott hit back at Biden, calling the president a ‘liar’ and a ‘hypocrite’

House Republicans have begun work on their own budget proposal in a drive to eliminate ‘wasteful’ and ‘woke’ spending – with a key advisor’s budget proposing a 30 percent cut in Health Department programs. 

President Joe Biden unveils his own budget plan in Philadelphia Thursday. He has been hammering Republicans on Social Security and Medicare, and secured public pledges from top Republicans not to cut the popular programs.

That leaves other ‘discretionary’ programs on the chopping block, with some of the conservative Republicans who made Kevin McCarthy‘s speakership possible vowing to follow through on politically painful cuts if necessary.


On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the laws that created Medicare and Medicaid to address poverty, inequality, hunger and education issues.

Medicare is a federal program that provides health care coverage for people aged 65 or older, and younger people with disabilities, regardless of the person’s income.

65 million Americans are currently on Medicare, and the number is growing. 

According to the U.S. Census, all ‘Baby Boomers’ [those born between 1946 and 1964] will be at least age 65 by 2030.

Medicaid is a combined state and federal program that provides health coverage to those who have low incomes, regardless of the person’s age.

Income levels are generally based on the federal poverty level, but each state can determine who qualifies and who doesn’t.

Biden’s White House has hit at Republicans for huddling with former Trump budget official Russell Vought, and Vought confirmed to the New York Times he is advising them on cuts to a ‘woke and weaponized government.’

The push comes weeks after House Republicans announced their plans to slash ‘woke waste.’ 

‘I’m not saying you can balance on discretionary [spending] alone,’ he said. ‘But a work requirement food stamp program is a lot easier to sell than premium support,’ said, speaking of a plan to make Medicare recipients pay more. 

Vought’s Center for Renewing America has cataloged some of the cuts that could be the basis for a GOP budget plan that must clear the Budget panel and pass the House on a majority vote.

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Among the proposed cuts, slashing $37 billion, or 29 percent, from the Department of Health & Human Services.

The Department ‘is a key purveyor of radical gender theory in the medical field and infuses Critical Race Theory (CRT) through the guise of ‘health equity’ as part of its research emphasis,’ according to the group, picking up on CRT, which has been a target for Republicans including Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The group slams HHS for ‘promulgating’ so-called ‘gain of function’ research, and calls the agency a supporter of the ‘abortion industry and the transgender medical agenda.’ 

Other cuts in the outline include a 45 percent cut in foreign aid, imposing work requirements on Medicaid and food stamp recipients, along with taking a knife to the FBI’s counterintelligence budget.

Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott blasted back at President Biden, who repeatedly called him out in speeches and said he planned to cut Social Security

Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott blasted back at President Biden, who repeatedly called him out in speeches and said he planned to cut Social Security

President Joe Biden has been hammering Republicans by saying they have cuts in store for popular programs, and daring them to produce a budget

President Joe Biden has been hammering Republicans by saying they have cuts in store for popular programs, and daring them to produce a budget

Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott blasted back at Biden in an interview with DailyMail.com last week.

‘First of all, the president’s a liar,’ he said. He said Biden signed a bill that ‘cut’ $280 billion from Medicare – in reference to provisions allowing the government to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies. The provision was a revenue-raiser, but did not cut programs.

‘When he was in the Senate, he proposed cutting Medicare, Medicaid, veterans’ benefits, everything. So, this guy is a hypocrite,’ he said. 

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‘What we ought to be focused on is: how does the American public, get them in a position that financially they’re able to get the health care on their own,’ he said. 

Asked if that meant there were savings to be had from Medicaid, he responded: ‘Well look, can people get a job? The federal government’s not there to forever provide benefits for somebody [but to] create an economy where people can live on their own.  Look, I grew up in public housing, I didn’t wake up every day say well, I hope I can get back in public housing. I want to be independent.’ 

A sign alerting customers about SNAP food stamps benefits [often referred to as 'food stamps'] which is a federal program that ensures poor families have access to groceries

 A sign alerting customers about SNAP food stamps benefits [often referred to as ‘food stamps’] which is a federal program that ensures poor families have access to groceries


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