Swimmer fights for life after being pulled from the water at Surfers Paradise beach


Swimmer fights for life after being pulled from the water at Surfers Paradise beach

  • Swimmer fighting for his life after being pulled from water at Surfers Paradise
  • Man in his 30s was given CPR by paramedics before being rushed to hospital 

A swimmer is fighting for his life after being pulled from the water at a popular beach on the Gold Coast.

Emergency services were called to Surfers Pardise Beach at midday on Sunday after lifeguards rescued a drowning man in his 30s.

Paramedics performed CPR on him on the sand near the entrance to Esplanade and Trickett Streets before he was rushed to Gold Coast University Hospital in a critical condition.

The swimmer is believed to be a student. 

Swimmer fights for life after being pulled from the water at Surfers Paradise beach

A man in his 30s was pulled from the water by lifeguards being paramedics rushed him to hospital after nearly drowning at Surfers Paradise Beach

Queensland Ambulance dispatched five crews to the scene, including critical care paramedics and the high acuity response unit.

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The near drowning comes a month after Lizzie Kerry’s lifeless body was pulled from the water near the Esplanade in the early hours of May 21.

The 32-year-old had been visiting from NSW who also had ties to Melbourne and New Zealand.



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