Sunshine Coast entrepreneur Bailey Page, 22, made 0k in six weeks selling cable-less chargers


How a 22-year-old Aussie made $100K in six weeks from a simple but essential idea he came up with on a night out with friends

  • Bailey Page, 22, is the founder of Zip Zap Chargers   
  • Started the business after a night out on the Sunshine Coast
  • He advised other young entrepreneurs to just ‘have a go’

A young Australian entrepreneur who made $100,000 in just six weeks has revealed the inspiration behind starting a business selling the country’s first cable-less phone charger.

Queensland resident Bailey Page, 22, is the inventor, founder and director of Zip Zap Chargers – Australia’s only cable-less portable charger for iPhones, AirPods and iPads.

Mr Page’s interest in cable-less chargers started in 2020 after a night out with some friends on the Sunshine Coast.

While ordering an Uber ride, his phone ran out of battery, forcing him to walk home. 

Mr Page looked online for a portable cable-less charger the very next day but when he couldn’t find what he was looking for, he decided to make his own. 

The Queenslander explained he started Zip Zap Chargers in 2020 when he was forced to walk home from a night out after his phone ran out of battery in the middle of ordering an Uber

The Queenslander explained he started Zip Zap Chargers in 2020 when he was forced to walk home from a night out after his phone ran out of battery in the middle of ordering an Uber

The then 20-year-old used all his savings, roughly $40,000, and worked along with a manufacturer from e-commerce website Alibaba for nine months to develop his product. 

He started with 200 Zip Zap Chargers which sold out in two weeks after launching to friends and family in August, 2021. 

The following month, Mr Page was invited to promote his product in a segment on the morning show Sunrise and sold more than 1,500 units across Australia. 

Within six weeks the young entrepreneur made more than $100,000 and achieved his goal of selling 2,000 chargers in the year. 

Mr Page was able to grow his business despite being in his final year of a Property Economics and Urban Development Construction degree at Queensland University of Technology. 

‘My third year essentially, I just had to focus on getting uni complete while I did my studies,’ Mr Page told the Courier Mail. 

‘It was just a lot of late nights and weekend work to really cover up on what I couldn’t do through the week when I was at uni.’ 

Mr Page (pictured) advised budding entrepreneurs to 'have a go' and not let their age stop them from starting their own business

Mr Page (pictured) advised budding entrepreneurs to ‘have a go’ and not let their age stop them from starting their own business

He added there is a ‘negative stigma’ around starting a business as a young person but advised budding entrepreneurs to just ‘have a go’. 

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‘I thought to myself, you know what, if I failed, I at least had a go,’ Mr Page said.

‘I always encourage young people just to have a go. You have to put a plan on paper. It’s always good to get outside eyes looking in and giving you feedback.

‘You can never fail with starting and the biggest hurdle is actually just starting.’

Zip Zap Chargers was the 2022 runner-up in Generation Innovation – a program challenging young entrepreneurs aged between 15 and 25 years old to start their own businesses.

To-date the business has sold around 6,500 chargers and hopes to expand into the international market. 


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