A patient diagnosed with primary biliary cholangitis must consult a hepatologist in Islamabad. The patient must discuss their symptoms with the specialist to understand the cause of the disease and related complications.

Primary biliary cholangitis is a chronic disease in which the patient suffers from progressive damage to the bile ducts present in the liver. Individuals above thirty with a family history of liver disease are at a higher risk of suffering from primary biliary cholangitis. There is no permanent antidote for the disease; however, the available treatment can help improve the functioning of the liver.

The common symptoms of primary biliary cholangitis are:

  • The person experiences itchiness on the body and remains lethargic most of the time.
  • The patient has an urge to take more fluids due to a dry mouth.
  • The patient suffers from the symptoms that point towards swelling of the spleen.
  • The skin becomes yellow and pale along with the eyes.
  • The person suffers from persistent pain in the upper abdominal region.
  • The patient suffers from joint and muscle pain, which hinders body movement.
  • The person suffers from diarrhea for days.
  • The patient starts to observe swelling in the feet and arms.
  • The patient suffers from the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and high cholesterol.
  • The patient can notice an irrational change in body weight.

The causes of the disease are:

  • The exact reason for developing the condition is not known. However, people with autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis are at a higher risk of suffering from primary biliary cirrhosis.
  • Individuals with blood relatives diagnosed with autoimmune and liver diseases are more likely to suffer from primary biliary cholangitis.
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals can affect the functioning of the liver leading to primary biliary cirrhosis.
  • People with untreated infections can suffer from permanent organ damage. It can cause the person to suffer from primary biliary cirrhosis.
  • Individuals who smoke are at a higher risk of suffering from the disease.
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The individual must take proper medicines to treat their illness, or it can lead to multiple complications such as:

  • The patient may suffer from liver scarring and Splenomegaly.
  • The patient is at a higher risk to develop gallbladder stones and suffer from liver cancer.
  • The patient has vitamin deficiency and weak bones leading to multiple complications.
  • The metal functioning is poor, which may affect everyday life. The person may suffer from psychological disorders and deteriorate their quality of life.

The tests to diagnose primary biliary cirrhosis are:

  • Liver functioning tests: The test helps determine the level of enzymes and the overall functioning of the organ.
  • Blood Testing: It helps to detect high cholesterol to avoid complications.
  • Imaging Testing: The ultrasound and MRI help detect the damage to the organ. It helps to find a tumor that may affect the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.
  • ERCP: The purpose of the test is to detect abnormality and fix the blockage of ducts to enhance the functioning of the organs.

The effective treatment options include:

  • Use of Bile Acid: The medications help enhance the functioning of the liver.
  • Use of Antihistamines: The medication helps provide relief to the patient from itching.
  • Use of Farnesoid X Receptor Agonist: The patients that cannot handle Urso deoxycholic acid are given farnesoid X receptor agonist to improve the functioning of the liver.
  • Liver Transplant: In severe cases, the medications are proven ineffective. To enhance the life quality, the patient may require a liver from a healthy donor.

The patients with the disease should consult a hepatologist in Lahore, who can provide them guidance regarding the latest and most effective treatment plan.

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