MEGHAN MCCAIN: Dems are guilty of The Great American Cover-up. And they’re about to pay the price


Six days away from the 2022 midterm elections and Democrats – by all indications – are about to pay a steep price for ignoring the most important tenant of politics: don’t lie straight to our faces.

Democrats took the American people for suckers.

And the people are angry.

It has been a bizarre Alice in Wonderland-experience watching liberals spin ridiculous self-serving narratives about the truly sorry state of America.

Their claims are not only patently false, but delusional. And you would have to be delusional yourself to believe the falsehoods spewed from their mouths.

Call it the Great American Cover-up.

They include but are not limited to: There is no rise in crime.

‘These are master manipulators,’ Democratic Kathy Hochul said of Republicans. ‘They have this conspiracy going all across America trying to convince people that in Democratic states that they’re not as safe.’

Oh really?

In New York City, violence in the subways is rampant – up 41% in 2022, according to the NYPD.

Nationally, the annual murder rate is 30 percent higher than it was in 2019, according to a New York Times analysis.

The non-partisan Council on Criminal Justice says aggravated assaults, robberies, burglaries, larcenies, and motor vehicles thefts all increased in the first half of 2022, compared to the first half of 2021.

MEGHAN MCCAIN: Dems are guilty of The Great American Cover-up. And they’re about to pay the price

Democrats have made very clear what they think should be the most important issue for voters – the Republican threat to democracy, of course. 

Does that sound like a ‘conspiracy’ to you?

How about this one: Inflation is a myth, and the economy is strong

‘Inflation is down, real incomes are up, and the price of gas is down,’ President Joe Biden said in a speech in Syracuse, New York last month.

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He has set, quite possibility, the worst example of a politician treating voters like they’re stupid.

Inflation is at its worst in nearly 40 years. Real incomes – commonly known as wages – are down. (Again, thanks inflation). And the price of gas is very clearly up.

When Biden was inaugurated the average cost of a gallon was $2.39. Today it’s around $3.80.

Who does he think he’s fooling?

And now, for probably my favorite fib: America’s borders are secure.

We’re heard it from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, and border czar Vice President Kamala Harris. Their message to Americans is: Don’t believe your lying eyes.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has made nearly 2.4 million arrests on the southern border in 2022 – that’s the highest number every recorded by far.

And that’s just counting the individuals that were apprehended.

CBP has reported at least another 900,000 ‘gotaways,’ or individuals who likely slipped through the gaping cracks in the ‘secure’ border.

Now, the unmitigated flow of illegal immigrants into America is not just a southern border state problem. New York City has erected tent cities to house migrants bused there by Republican governors in Florida and Texas, but also by Democratic leaders of El Paso.

On Tuesday, at least two Border Patrol agents were injured when a group of Venezuelan migrants attacked the officers on the U.S./Mexico border near El Paso.

Nationally, the annual murder rate is 30 percent higher than it was in 2019, according to a New York Times analysis.

Nationally, the annual murder rate is 30 percent higher than it was in 2019, according to a New York Times analysis.

One agent was assaulted with a flagpole. The second agent was hit by a rock before the migrants were driven backs by shots of non-lethal pepper bells.

Does that sound ‘secure’ to you? But down the rabbit hole we go again.

Listen to White House propagandist Karine Jean-Pierre and you hear a very different story.

In response to 2.4 million border encounters Jean-Pierre claimed, ‘you have Republican governors using these migrants as political pawns, we are hard at work.’

Of course, you are. But aren’t Democrats also transporting migrants to northern cities?

All administration press secretaries spin, or shrewdly mislead for their party and president, but normally there is a kernel of truth. In her case, it is just ‘Baghdad Bob’-level ridiculousness.

And alas, their furious spinning has not worked.

A new ABC News poll found that 50 percent of Americans say that either the economy or inflation is the single most important issue to determine the way they vote in the 2022 midterms.

Suburban White women, a traditionally important part of any winning Democrat political campaign, have lurched towards the GOP.

The Wall Street Journal reports that this voting bloc has shifted 27 percentage points away from Democrats, driven by financial concerns.

Voters want to feel safe in their homes, secure in their jobs and hopeful about the future.

It’s not that hard. And you’d think the Democrats would sit up and take notice, stop distorting the truth and confront the very serious problems plaguing our country.

But no.

Democrats have made very clear what they think should be the most important issue for voters – the Republican threat to democracy, of course.

President Biden is now set to deliver the sequel to the ‘Red Wedding in Philadelphia,’ when he denounced MAGA extremists as an existential threat to America.

On Wednesday evening, he’ll deliver a speech at Union Station in Washington DC to address, ‘the stakes for our democracy in next week’s election,’ according to the DNC.

I wonder what they’re doing with all the homeless people, regularly camped outside the terminal.

To Democrats, January 6th is forever. It’s their winning message. It’s more important than being able to feed your family, send your kid to college, pay your bills.

But encouragingly, none of this has landed with Americans outside of the Democrats’ narrow base of far left-wingers. In fact, it has flatlined.

According to the election experts over at RealClearPolitics, The GOP is expected to flip four Senate seats from Democratic-blue to Republican-red. In fact, Democrats are not forecast to make any gains, giving Republicans solid control of Congress.

It’s a red wave and it’s crashing down on November 8th.

Now, no one can predict the future, but let’s just say I am on cooking chili and having friends over to watch the election returns.

No amount of fear mongering over the future of democracy could make Americans overlook problems with crime, immigration, and most of all the economy.

What else can you say?

Reality bites and it looks like the voters are about to bite back hard on the party that ignored reality.


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