A criminal psychologist believes that ‘killer’ Colorado dentist who poisoned his wife believed that he was ‘too smart to be caught’ – despite Googling how lethal drugs were on his office computer.
Angela Craig, 43, died after being poisoned with potassium cyanide by her porn-addicted Mormon dentist husband James Craig, 45, according to an arrest affidavit.
Dr Gail Saltz MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry The New York Presbyterian Hospital told DailyMail.com that the father-of-six exhibited narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies – and could have considered his wife an ‘impediment he needed to remove’.
Craig was arrested in Aurora, Colorado, on Sunday, accused of killing his wife by poisoning her protein shakes, all the while conducting an affair with an orthodontist in Texas.
But Dr Saltz, host of the ‘How Can I Help?’ podcast from iHeartRadio, also claims that Angela was ‘in denial’ about her husband after he drugged her in 2017.

Angela Craig, 43, died after being poisoned with potassium cyanide by her porn-addicted Mormon dentist husband James Craig, 45, according to an arrest affidavit

Dr Gail Saltz MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry The New York Presbyterian Hospital told DailyMail.com that the father-of-six exhibited narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies
Craig claimed the incident was to stop her from preventing him harming himself, something which he ultimately did not go through with.
He was arrested on suspicion of his wife’s murder after police discovered several searches on his personal and office computers – including ‘how to make poison’ – as well as orders for the deadly drug.
Dr Saltz said: ‘His behavior, the lying, the deception could speak to all kinds of things, the narcissism to believe that you are too smart too good to get caught.
‘That kind of irrational grandiose view of yourself, the searches could also speak to a lack of understanding about computer history and technology.
‘Obviously there was a lack of familiarity, comfort and astuteness in terms of purchasing and computer use so I am not implying this person is highly astute or an intelligent person.
‘Lying and being deceptive happens in all manner of relationships including where no one has any intention of murdering anyone and so really this is a person who was obviously comfortable with deception and lying for a very long time – having had multiple affairs in his marriage.
‘He would have done that especially in light of what is at risk – being caught trying to murder somebody. There are significant consequences to him.
‘I think that people who are liars and are deceptive and have a questionable moral compass do not find lying difficult at all.

He was arrested on suspicion of his wife’s murder after police discovered several searches on his personal and office computers – including ‘how to make poison’ – as well as orders for the deadly drug

Angela references ‘reliving the past’ in messages between the couple which her sister told police was referring to an incident where Craig had drugged her previously

Dr Saltz said: ‘His behavior, the lying, the deception could speak to all kinds of things, the narcissism to believe that you are too smart too good to get caught’
It is a fair statement to say that somebody exhibiting anti-social behaviors for self-gain an with no concern whatsoever for anybody else, his wife or six children, has aspects of narcissism.
‘Being pathologically consumed with your needs and your need to be special and center of the universe for everyone is definitely a sign of having a narcissistic personality.
‘He could fall into the category of sociopathic men who decide that they want a different life and a different wife and a different freedom and to not have the financial constraint of an ex-wife and believe that they are entitled to remove that impediment.
‘They could really compartmentalize their wife as sort of not really their wife or a person or mother of their children but just an impediment they need to remove.’
Angela raised her concerns with her sister over their 16-year relationship – saying several times that she would leave her husband – but he always managed to talk her round.
Heartbreaking messages show the mother-of-six complaining about how she feels ‘dizzy’ and ‘nauseous’ as she deteriorates in hospital from what cops say was poison put in her smoothies by James.

Angela Craig was taken to the hospital on March 15. She died on March 19, after four days on life support

The couple continue to discuss her symptoms, before she tells him the day before she returns home that she needs to makes sure she ‘doesn’t feel like vomiting’ before they sleep together
Messages revealed by police in an arrest affidavit show seemingly loving messages between the couple as social media photographs all show Angela showering her husband in kisses for loved-up snaps on their shared Facebook page.
While his wife deteriorated in hospital and was dealing with mystified doctors, Craig also flew his mistress over from Texas while simultaneously messaging his wife to say he ‘wished he could stay longer’ at the hospital with her.
Angela references ‘reliving the past’, which her sister told police was referring to an incident where Craig had drugged her previously – something he claimed was because he intended to take his own life and didn’t want her to stop him.
Officers also included in the arrest affidavit it is believed that Angela confronted Craig over her illness – accusing him of poisoning her just days before her death.
Dr Saltz added: ‘It is a little mystifying that she would stay with him, and I would say it is a good bit of denial to stay with a man who as drugged you.
‘And then it is a good bit of denial when you are hospitalized and not feeling well after drinking a strange tasting smoothie that your husband gave you to then go back home and live with him.
‘I guess somewhere towards the end she acknowledged it to herself, but it is just unusual given the prior situation. You would think ‘this doesn’t feel right.’

The couple made their marital home in Aurora, Colorado, with their six children aged eight to twenty. It is here where Craig is said to have poisoned his wife

While his wife deteriorated in hospital and dealing with mystified doctors, Craig also flew his mistress over from Texas while simultaneously messaging his wife to say he ‘wished he could stay longer’

Heartbreaking messages show the mother-of-six complaining about how she feels ‘dizzy’ and ‘nauseous’ as she deteriorates in hospital – but continues to tell her husband how much she loves him
‘It just goes to show the power of relationships at times’.
Angela was admitted to Parker Adventist Hospital on March 9, three days after she was initially seen and released. She was ultimately discharged on March 14 before her death the next day.
On March 10, the day his mistress left Colorado, Craig tells her to ‘get some rest finally’, to which she replies, ‘I love having you here I just don’t wanna wear you out. Trying to take care of everything at home and be here with me.’
He said: ‘I’m fine. It’s really busy and crazy but that’s always the case when you’re not around/ I want to be up there with you 24/7.’
It appears he then came back to the hospital to visit his wife, with her texting him at 9pm to say ‘Thank you for coming back. I miss you so much and it’s nice to have some time. I love you.’
Craig, hours after his mistress jumped on a plane to Texas, messages his wife at midnight to tell her that he ‘workup dreaming about making love’ to her.
On March 12 he offered to have her hooked up to an IV at home, offering to fill it with fluids from his office – with Angela initially refusing before saying, ‘we can see if it would make you feel better’.

Angela Craig was taken to the hospital on March 15. She died on March 19, after four days on life support

Craig’s internet history showed he placed an Amazon order for ‘Arsenic Metal 99.9999% Crystalline Metalloid 10 grams for Element Collection’ among other poisons he ordered online

He was a practicing dentist and part of the Summerbrook dental office in Colorado, which filed for bankruptcy protection in 2021
When speaking to police Angela’s sister said that Craig had had ‘multiple affairs with several women’ and said he was ‘addicted to porn since he was a teenager.’
Angela also complained to her sister that during a recent trip to Las Vegas Craig had gambled away over $2,000 – despite the family struggling financially.
She was pronounced brain dead on March 18, twelve days after Craig is accused of poisoning her.
Craig would not allow hospital staff to conduct an autopsy, with family members urging him to allow the process in case the cause was ‘genetic’ and to see if it could prevented from passing down their family.
with her when she was alive then he wouldn’t let them poke her more when she was dead’.
According to the charging documents, Craig had researched poison on his office computer.

He ‘had multiple affairs with several women’ and told his wife he had been addicted to pornography since he was a teenager according to his arrest warrant

Many patients have come forward after Craig’s arrest to say that they were ‘ripped off’ by the dentist
Search terms included: ‘how many grams of pure arsenic will kill a human’; ‘Is Arsenic Detectable in Autopsy’; ‘Top 5 Undetectable Poisons That Show No Signs of Foul Play’; ‘how to make poison,’ and ‘The Top 10 Deadliest Plants (They Can Kill You).’
Craig ordered more poison, with a delivery of cyanide dispatched on March 13, and Angela accusing her husband of poisoning her when she was discharged on March 14.
He was reported to the authorities by one of his co-workers, who was suspicious about his behavior and the poison deliveries.
The affidavit said Craig planned to ‘end his wife’s life by searching for ways to kill someone undetected, providing her poisons that align with her hospitalized symptoms, and working on starting a new life with [his lover].’
The dentist allegedly ordered the arsenic online on February 27 and received a package at home on March 4.
Craig’s second package arrived at work on March 13 and when an employee opened the box she found a bio hazard sticker and a canister marked ‘Potassium Cyanide’.
She googled the chemical compound and realized the symptoms of cyanide poisoning was similar to the symptoms Angela was experiencing.
Craig told investigators that his wife had been intentionally overdosing on opioids since had asked for a divorce in December 2022.

Craig, dressed up as the tooth fairy, had researched poison on his office computer before purchasing anything

Craig admitted to drugging Angela five or six years ago and referenced the incident in a text message to his wife while she is hospitalized
Police raided his home and business seizing protein powders, shakers, a computer tablet, phones and two Ziploc bags with powdery substances.
A data analysis of his devices revealed the chilling searches he had conducted online, including a $13 Amazon order for ‘Arsenic Metal 99.9999% Crystalline Metalloid 10 grams for Element Collection.’
When police combed through his email account jimandwaffles@gmail.com they found additional purchases of poison, according to the affidavit.
Craig and his practice, Summerbrook Dental, filed for bankruptcy protection in 2021, according to court records.
The couple had been married for more than 20 years and were parents to six children – five girls and a boy – aged eight to 20.
In a 2021 press release, Craig described himself as ‘happily married’ to Angela.
The release went on to say that the pair ‘have six children, and they all enjoy the outdoors, especially camping, snowboarding, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, and mountain biking.
‘They also enjoy visiting theme parks and are often traveling to Disney, Universal, and Sea World.’
It noted as well, that James Craig volunteered with WE CAN HELP, an anti-bullying program sponsored by the Denver Police Department.
Poisoning is a rare method murder. According to studies, poisoning accounts for less than 0.5 percent of cases.
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