I went to Turkey for a cut-price boob job but my double-D implants burst through my chest


A woman whose breast implant fell out of her chest weeks after botched surgery in Turkey has told how she was left ‘depressed’ by the complications. 

Kelly Young, from New Malden, Greater London initially splashed out £3,700 for a boob job in September, more than two decades after she first had the procedure.

The 48-year-old opted for a cut-price clinic in Turkey — where thousands of Britons flock to for cheap surgery every year — which she found quickly without much research.

But the mother-of-two made two more trips to the destination, and ended up forking out an extra £2,500, after her stitches came undone and left a hole that caused the implant and pus to spill out. 

Despite going under the knife for extra procedures, her implants became infected and had to be removed, leaving her with ‘lots of scarring’ and a ‘flat chest’.

I went to Turkey for a cut-price boob job but my double-D implants burst through my chest

Kelly Young (pictured pre-surgery in September), from New Malden, Greater London splashed out £3,700 for her second boob job in September at a cut-price clinic she found quickly, so she could fly out with a friend who was also having work done to her teeth

The 48-year-old had undergone surgery to boost her cup size to a double-D in the UK 24 years ago, but her right implant ruptured in 2018

The 48-year-old had undergone surgery to boost her cup size to a double-D in the UK 24 years ago, but her right implant ruptured in 2018

Admitting to not doing much research beforehand, Ms Young (pictured post-surgery in December) chose the clinic because 'Turkey was the cheapest place to go to get it done'

Admitting to not doing much research beforehand, Ms Young (pictured post-surgery in December) chose the clinic because ‘Turkey was the cheapest place to go to get it done’

What are the dangers of getting surgery abroad? 

Thousands of Britons flock to destinations like Turkey every year for bargain tummy tucks, boob jobs and butt lifts.

But patients or the NHS often end up footing the bill for surgical corrections. 

This can include removing dead tissue from improperly cleaned wounds, correcting poor stitching and taking out surgical objects like latex gloves.

And at least 20 Brits have died in Turkey alone following surgery, including mother-of-three Leah Cambridge who had a botched Brazilian Bum Lift in 2018.

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Some surgeons in the country will perform procedures deemed too dangerous or unethical in Britain. 

Others will skimp on aftercare, according to campaigners, which can leave patients vulnerable to dangerous complications.  

Yet despite all the warnings, the industry has continued to boom, with hundreds of medical tourism agencies now promising boob jobs and liposuctions thousands of pounds cheaper than UK providers.

Turkey is not inherently more dangerous than other surgical tourism hotspots.

But cheap flights between it and the UK — as well as the rise of the trend combining cosmetic surgery with a holiday — have made it one of the leading destinations for Britons looking to go under the knife. 

In 2016 alone, almost 12,000 Britons flew to out to Turkey for medical care, making it one of the most popular destinations.

Ms Young, who is a driver, received her first boob job in the late 1990s. 

Her right implant ruptured in 2018, which she said caused her breast to go ‘to the side more than the other one’ when she lay down.

Desperate to get her body back in shape, after ‘waiting years to have it done’, she decided to have her implants replaced as well as an uplift. 

She picked a clinic in Turkey ‘quickly’ so she could join a friend who was already planning to jet out for a dental procedure.

Admitting to not doing much research beforehand, Ms Young chose the clinic because it was ‘the cheapest place to go to get it done’. 

Typically, breast implant surgery costs around £6,000 in the UK. However, in Turkey they cost just £3,200. 

This does not usually include the cost of consultations or follow-up care.

However, within days of returning home in September, the scar underneath her right breast had began to open up and the implant – covered in pus – was poking out of it.

Ms Young added: ‘When I got back, my daughter went to change my dressing and said the stitches had come undone and it was weeping.

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‘My doctor said it was infected and put me on antibiotics. I was seeing the district nurses every day to keep an eye on it and dress it. It started oozing more and getting bigger.

‘They had to pack wadding inside the hole daily to stop it getting bigger then they couldn’t do anymore. 

‘It was too big and getting worse everyday so I had to go to A&E.’

She added: ‘It was a great big hole. I wouldn’t look at it, I didn’t want to know. It was literally hanging out.’ 

Despite being advised by an NHS breast surgeon not to fly back to Turkey, she jetted back in November for revision surgery. 

‘I had to get on the plane with my implant hanging out, I was frightened’, Ms Young said. 

One day after she her second operation, she there was a ‘whole load’ of blood coming from her surgery wound. 

But her surgeon advised her ‘it was normal’ and would remain this way ‘for a few more days’, she claimed, so chose to fly home.

But when Ms Young got back to the UK, she found a second hole that got bigger every day.

‘I was sick of having holes in my boobs and having them dressed every day,’ she said.

She was told by a UK breast surgeon that the second set of implants — put in as part of her revision surgery — had become infected and she should have waited at least six months from her first procedure before undergoing further implant treatment. 

Ms Young decided to fly back to Turkey in December — for the third time in three months.

But doctors there told her that there was  ‘nothing they could do’. They removed the implants and advised her not to have any further implants or an uplift.

Ms Young said: ‘He said I had very little breast and some sagging skin and that was it. I went home because I was depressed out there.’

After having the implants removed, Ms Young revealed she has now been prescribed antidepressants and is looking for another surgeon to fix the damage as her confidence has been shattered. 

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While she was not charged for the two revision operations, Ms Young forked out £6,200 altogether on the initial surgery, flights and accommodation.

British surgeons are growing concerned that the NHS is helping subsidise poor care overseas, with the bill costing the taxpayer an estimated £4.8million over the last four years

British surgeons are growing concerned that the NHS is helping subsidise poor care overseas, with the bill costing the taxpayer an estimated £4.8million over the last four years

Cosmetic procedures in Turkey often go at bargain basement prices compared to their British counterparts. Turkey and UK prices have been sourced from multiple websites (model is a stock image)

Cosmetic procedures in Turkey often go at bargain basement prices compared to their British counterparts. Turkey and UK prices have been sourced from multiple websites (model is a stock image)

How Turkish operations go for bargain prices 

Nose job: £2,500

Boob job: £3,200

Liposuction: £1,600

Designer vagina:  £1,200

BBL: £2,699

Prices: from Right Choice and Medaway 

And here’s how British procedures stack up 

Nose job: £6,625 

Boob job: £5,995

Liposuction: £4,850

Designer vagina: £5,400

BBL: Up to £7,000

Prices: Harvey Medical Group and Linia Cosmetics  

‘I’m very unhappy with them, I feel like a 12-year-old again. I don’t let my boyfriend see me, everyone knows me with my boobs,’ she said. 

‘I’ve got three lots of scarring with a flat chest. I feel like a different person.

‘I have to get them done, I wouldn’t be able to wear a bikini – summer would be a nightmare.’

Ms Young added: ‘People need to do research, look at all the complications that can occur and make sure they don’t pay in cash because if you pay by card you have more rights.’

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