Charlie Kirk taunts furious far-left protesters waving signs against white supremacy


Charlie Kirk taunts furious far-left protesters waving signs against white supremacy as they storm Turning Point USA event at University of New Mexico – before riot police are called in

  • Far left protesters were met by riot police at the University of New Mexico Wednesday after they appeared at an event for TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk 
  • Kirk was holding a speaking engagement with the conservative organization’s chapter at the school when protesters came out 
  • Some were yelling out: ‘F–k Charlie Kirk!’ and ‘F**k Erica’ in reference to the local chapter president, Erica Rodriguez 
  • Kirk tweeted out a video of the agitators in masks and waving signs against white supremacy 
  • The conservative influencer eventually posted a video, waving at the small group of protesters surrounded by police, in an attempt to mock them 

Far left protesters were met by riot police at the University of New Mexico Wednesday night after they appeared at an event for Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

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Kirk was holding a speaking engagement with the conservative organization’s chapter at the school when protesters – some masked, many screaming obscenities – came out in full force. 

Some were yelling out: ‘F–k Charlie Kirk!’ and ‘F**k Erica’ in reference to the local chapter president, Erica Rodriguez.

Kirk tweeted out a video of the agitators in masks and waving signs against white supremacy, writing: ‘My welcoming committee at University of New Mexico for tonight’s event.’

The conservative influencer eventually posted a video, waving at the small group of protesters surrounded by police, in an attempt to mock them. 

Charlie Kirk taunts furious far-left protesters waving signs against white supremacy

Far left protesters were met by riot police at the University of New Mexico Wednesday night after they appeared at an event for Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk

Kirk was holding a speaking engagement with the conservative organization's chapter at the school when protesters - some masked, many screaming obscenities - came out in full force

Kirk was holding a speaking engagement with the conservative organization’s chapter at the school when protesters – some masked, many screaming obscenities – came out in full force

Some were yelling out: 'F--k Charlie Kirk!' and 'F**k Erica' in reference to the local chapter president, Erica Rodriguez

Some were yelling out: ‘F–k Charlie Kirk!’ and ‘F**k Erica’ in reference to the local chapter president, Erica Rodriguez

Kirk tweeted out a video of the agitators in masks and waving signs against white supremacy, writing: 'My welcoming committee at University of New Mexico for tonight's event.'

Kirk tweeted out a video of the agitators in masks and waving signs against white supremacy, writing: ‘My welcoming committee at University of New Mexico for tonight’s event.’

Kirk with TPUSA University of New Mexico chapter president Erica Rodriguez

Kirk with TPUSA University of New Mexico chapter president Erica Rodriguez

Others shouted out ‘Get the f–k off our campus!’ in videos posted by Kirk and other conservative media personalities.

Eventually, riot police headed to the scene with clubs to confront those protesting the event.

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TPUSA claims its mission is to: ‘Educate students about the importance of freedom, free markets, and limited government.’

The police formed a barrier between protesters and the student union at University of New Mexico where kirk was speaking.

At least one protester was caught on video being arrested by the police officers who’d turned up. 

The event had already been rescheduled after Kirk tried to speak at the university before the November elections. 

TPUSA claims its mission is to: 'Educate students about the importance of freedom, free markets, and limited government'

TPUSA claims its mission is to: ‘Educate students about the importance of freedom, free markets, and limited government’

The event had already been rescheduled after Kirk tried to speak at the university before the November elections

The event had already been rescheduled after Kirk tried to speak at the university before the November elections

Protesters shouted out 'Get the f--k off our campus!' in videos posted by Kirk and other conservative media personalities

Protesters shouted out ‘Get the f–k off our campus!’ in videos posted by Kirk and other conservative media personalities

Earlier this year, fellow conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren was forced to flee the campus via state police ahead of a planned event.

The event was eventually canceled after Lahren was barricaded in a back room for 45 minutes, and she left under police escort, according to the Post Millenial

TPUSA released a statement at the time: ‘Sadly, what happened in New Mexico is far too common. The students and community organizations responsible for this mob that caused damage to the venue – and forced Tomi and her father to be barricaded in a safe room for 45 minutes – must be held accountable.’

The local chapter promoted the event with a video on Instagram showing protesters accosting a previous event with the caption: ‘We will not back down.’ 

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