Cabin crew forced me to move after I lied to keep the seat next to me free on a plane


I told a white lie to try and keep the seat next to me on a flight free – and nearly got taken off the plane when the cabin crew found out

A woman has revealed on Reddit how a white lie landed her in hot water during a flight. 

The passenger, believed to be from the US, doesn’t specify where she was flying to or from but tells the social media site that she hatched a plan to try and earn herself some extra leg room when she noticed the plane was ‘half-full’. 

She explained to a fellow passenger who arrived to take his seat that she was saving the space for her husband, despite actually travelling alone.  

However, her plan unravelled when the man she’d lied to became annoyed when her husband didn’t arrive to take said seat, and alerted cabin crew to her untruth – who warned both passengers they’d be kicked off if they didn’t resolve the situation. 

She explained on the social media site: ‘I (25F) had a flight. As we board, the gate agent says the flight is not even half full and they need us to spread out for even weight distribution. 

‘I was sitting in the middle seat and they kept repeating the flight was only half full, only 75 people on the flight.

She continued: ‘Almost literally the last second a man (50ish) walks on and states “I’ll sit next to you” not even asking so that gave me a red flag about him and I say “actually my husband is going to sit here”. The truth is I am traveling alone but as a young woman I avoid telling people that.’

The man was unperturbed, clearly smelling a rat in her story, and said he’d take the window seat. 

She continues in the Reddit post, entitled ‘Am I the A**hole for not wanting someone to sit next to me on a plane?, that he then told her ‘I’ll sit at the window’ before she responded that ‘the flight is only half full, there’s tons of room’, hoping that he’d move.

She adds: ‘So I move to the aisle seat to avoid a problem and he says ‘so where’s your husband?’ I ignore him. He asks again, ‘should we have the flight attendants hold the flight for your ‘husband’?’ with literal air quotes and I ignore him again.’

After he calls her a liar, she reveals that her husband is actual deployed in the Middle East – but it doesn’t win her any empathy.  

The lone female traveller goes on to explain that cabin crew then became involved after he alerted them to the conversation. 

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‘A flight attendant comes over and asks me what’s happening so I begin to explain and of course he talks over me so another flight attendant comes over and says I have to move.

‘I look at her dumbfounded because I was there first and I didn’t cause the problem he did. So she says one of you needs to move or you’re both off the flight. So I just grab my bag and move.’

She added an edit to the post to later clarify that she hadn’t sworn and only raised her voice ‘above a normal polite tone’, and that the cabin crew close to her new seat – at the back of the plane – were sympathetic to what had happened.  


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