Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro tells Charlie Kirk he will return to Brazil in matter of WEEKS


Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said Friday that he is planning to return home in a matter of weeks in order to take up a position of ‘responsible opposition’ to his successor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

It sets up a potential showdown with the country’s Supreme Court justices who have made clear he is in their sights after his supporters ransacked government buildings last month. 

Police announced another of raids as they investigated the violence on Friday, hours before the former president revealed his plans and delivered a major speech to a raucous crowd of 500 supporters at Donald Trump’s Miami club. 

And he announced his return to politics in an interview for conservative activist Charlie Kirk’s podcast.

‘In the next few weeks I intend to return to Brazil to be part of a responsible opposition to the current government,’ he said, according to exclusive excerpts given to

‘Unfortunately in the last three days they have already done a lot of bad things, and I like to say that government by the [Lula’s] Workers’ Party does not really need opposition.’

Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro tells Charlie Kirk he will return to Brazil in matter of WEEKS

Jair Bolsonaro has lived quietly in an Orlando suburb since flying out of Brazil at the end of last year. On Friday, he received a rapturous reception as he gave a speech at Trump’s Miami hotel

Before his speech, he told Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk that he planned to return to Brazil in a matter of weeks to help the next generation of conservative leaders

Before his speech, he told Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk that he planned to return to Brazil in a matter of weeks to help the next generation of conservative leaders

It marks a new chapter in Bosonaro’s political career. After four years in office as Brazil’s answer to Trump he lost October’s election to Lula’s leftist party. 

For the past month he lived quietly in an Orlando suburb, waiting for a new U.S. visa as investigators at home probed last month’s violence.

On Friday he broke cover in decisive style, sending supporters into raptures with a public speech at Donald Trump‘s Miami club on Friday.

He channeled the former American president, bragging about the size of his crowds before saying his list of economic achievements made his election defeat all the more mysterious.

Brazil is doing very well but we can’t understand why the left won,’ he told an ecstatic crowd of supporters in a chandelier-adorned ballroom.

Kirk, his host for the afternoon, responded: ‘All I can say is that sounds very familiar.’

In the interview for Kirk’s podcast, Bolsonaro revealed more about his plans to return.

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‘I found myself through politics … maybe a little bit late … but I feel I must stay in politics because I have a very big responsibility.

‘There are new right-wing leaders in Brazil, and I feel that in my position I must help coordinate their efforts, to help the conservative movement.’ 

He avoided mentioning a looming investigation into any role he may have played in the Jan. 8 attack on government buildings in the Brazilian capital, before being mobbed by fans

He avoided mentioning a looming investigation into any role he may have played in the Jan. 8 attack on government buildings in the Brazilian capital, before being mobbed by fans

Bolsonaro was speaking at a 'Power of the People' event organized by rightwing campaign group Turning Point USA. Kirk introduced him as a crusader against communism

Bolsonaro was speaking at a ‘Power of the People’ event organized by rightwing campaign group Turning Point USA. Kirk introduced him as a crusader against communism

The venue came with the trappings of a Trump property, including giant chandeliers

The venue came with the trappings of a Trump property, including giant chandeliers

He will face an uncertain future in Brazil. Many of his supporters fear he will be arrested by an activist Supreme Court.

Before leaving the country, his populist rhetoric, pre-election warnings of voter fraud and hardline resistance to COVID measures brought comparisons with Trump.

Those only intensified when his supporters stormed government buildings in the capital Brasilia, calling for a coup to restore him to power. The date, Jan. 8, could barely have been closer to the Trump inspired riot of Jan. 6, 2021.

Hours before he appeared in Trump National Doral’s Crystal Ballroom, Brazilian police said they had carried out another series of raids as they continue to investigate the violence.

None of that mattered to the 500 members of the mostly Brazilian audience.

They cheered as Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, introduced Bolsonaro as a bulwark against Latin American communism.

They cheered all the louder as he claimed to have protected their freedoms during the pandemic, when he was condemned by the international community for not doing enough to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

Maria Marquez, 63, said Bolsonaro was simply the greatest president of her lifetime for tackling corruption and keeping socialists at bay

Maria Marquez, 63, said Bolsonaro was simply the greatest president of her lifetime for tackling corruption and keeping socialists at bay

While Bolsonaro spoke inside, polo-shirted golf players completed their rounds and made for the hotel bar at Trump's Miami property on a warm Friday afternoon

While Bolsonaro spoke inside, polo-shirted golf players completed their rounds and made for the hotel bar at Trump’s Miami property on a warm Friday afternoon

‘Brazil is one of the most digitized countries in the world. And even with the great crisis of the pandemic we finished the year of 2020 even when it comes to the creation of new jobs,’ he said.

‘And we were able during the pandemic to provide for all and most importantly freedom for those chose not to get the vaccine.’

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Much of it could have come from a Trump rally, as he talked up his achievements and his popularity.

‘During my campaign I attracted massive crowds through the five regions of Brazil,’ he said.

He slammed his successor for undermining his efforts to boost the economy, and hinted that may have more work to do in Brazil.

‘I recharge my batteries in moments like this,’ he said as the crowd roared their approval. ‘Every day that passes I love Brazil more.’

At the end of his speech and a question-and-answer session, he was escorted from the stage through the audience — rather than exiting backstage.

The result was predictable pandemonium. A surge of people trying to get selfies with the former president quickly became a frightening crush, as his security detail battled to keep their charge from losing his footing.  

Hours before he spoke, Brazilian police said they had made another series of raids as they continue to investigate the Jan. 8 attacks by Bolsonaro supporters on government buildings

Hours before he spoke, Brazilian police said they had made another series of raids as they continue to investigate the Jan. 8 attacks by Bolsonaro supporters on government buildings

Supporters of Bolsonaro clashed with police on Jan. 8 in the capital Brasilia, attacking parliament, the supreme court and the presidential palace

Supporters of Bolsonaro clashed with police on Jan. 8 in the capital Brasilia, attacking parliament, the supreme court and the presidential palace

Earlier this week The former Brazilian president gave his first hint that he was not done with politics.

On Tuesday night, at an event with supporters he deflected questions about the 2026 presidential race.

But he suggested there was more to come. ‘I am 67 years old and I intend to remain active in the Brazilian politics,’ he said.

Sandra Barney, who had driven an hour and a half from Fort Lauderdale to hear Bolsonaro, said it was too early for him to return.

Earlier this week The former Brazilian president gave his first hint that he was not done with politics.

On Tuesday night, at an event with supporters he deflected questions about the 2026 presidential race.

But he suggested there was more to come. ‘I am 67 years old and I intend to remain active in the Brazilian politics,’ he said.

Sandra Barney, who had driven an hour and a half from Fort Lauderdale to hear Bolsonaro, said it was too early for him to return.

‘If he goes to Brazil he will be arrested,’ said the Brazilian born dentist, 62, who had claimed a front-row seat.

Maria Marquez, 63, said he was simply the greatest president of her lifetime for tackling corruption and keeping socialists at bay.

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‘Lula did not win,’ she said, before echoing Bolsonaro’s train of thought. ‘Everywhere he went the streets were empty. Bolsonaro got one million, two million people.

‘How can that be?’ 

For now, Bolsonaro remains in Florida. He has been staying in the Orlando suburbs at the home of Jose Aldo, a former cage fighting champion. 

Last week, his lawyer began the process of securing a new six-month visa to replace the diplomatic visa he arrived on at the end of last year, and which became invalid as soon as he was no longer president. 

He faces multiple investigations back home but his alleged involved in riots by supporters who refuse to accept defeat.

It leaves the Biden administration with a thorny diplomatic problem. 

The violent protests immediately provoked comparisons with Donald Trump, Bolsonaro's close populist ally, and the way his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol two years earlier

The violent protests immediately provoked comparisons with Donald Trump, Bolsonaro’s close populist ally, and the way his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol two years earlier

Bolsonaro poses for photos with his supporters outside the home he is staying in at Encore resort at Reunion on January 22, 2023 in Kissimmee, Florida

Bolsonaro poses for photos with his supporters outside the home he is staying in at Encore resort at Reunion on January 22, 2023 in Kissimmee, Florida

Dozens of members of President Joe Biden’s own party wrote to him last month urging him to send Bolsonaro back.

Their letter urged the administration to cooperate with investigations in Brazil over the Jan. 8 violence. 

‘We must not allow Mr Bolsonaro or any other former Brazilian officials to take refuge in the United States to escape justice for any crimes they may have committed when in office,’ said the letter, signed by 46 lawmakers. 

Lula is due to visit the White House next week, only intensifying an awkward situation as Bolsonaro starts to increase his public appearances in Trump’s backyard of Florida. 

Meanwhile Brazilian authorities have moved aggressively against the rioters, making more than 1000 arrests in the days after the violence.

The country’s supreme court also said it would investigate Bolsonaro’s role in inspiring the mob.

One of its justices said Bolsonaro had questions to answer for questioning the country’s electoral system and his attacks on the nation’s institutions. 

At the time, the former president’s lawyer said: ‘President Jair Bolsonaro vehemently repudiates the acts of vandalism and depredation of public property committed by those infiltrating the demonstration.

‘He has never had any relationship with or participation in these spontaneous social movements carried out by the population.’


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