Woman stunned as her Olympus digital camera which she lost in 2013 while tubing on a river is FOUND


A woman will be reunited with a digital camera 13 years after she assumed she’d lost it forever in a Colorado river.

Coral Amayi had photos of her friends’ wedding and her own graduation among other cherished memories on the Olympus digital camera and took it with her tubing on the Animas River in 2010. 

‘I had gotten tossed from my tube at Smelter Rapid,’ she said. ‘And I came back up, got my tube, and my camera was missing.’

She had yet to upload most of the photos on the SD card to her personal computer, meaning many of those moments were seemingly lost forever. 

‘I remember getting back to my boyfriend’s house and uncontrollably crying and upset,’ she said.

Woman stunned as her Olympus digital camera which she lost in 2013 while tubing on a river is FOUND

A woman will be reunited with a digital camera 13 years after she assumed she’d lost it forever in a Colorado river

Last week, however, an angler fisherman was casting lines in the river and discovered something strange. 

Spencer Greiner looked in the shallow water and wasn’t quite sure what he’d found. 

‘I was walking along and saw it sticking out of the sand,’ Spencer Greiner told Fox 31

‘It was in rough shape, so I really didn’t have any hopes of getting anything off of it, I was just planning to throw it away, and then curiosity got the best of me, and I had to see what was on it.’

He eventually discovered that it was a camera and took a screwdriver to try and open it up, with water quickly flowing out when he did. 

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‘I was like ‘yeah, this is probably not going to work at all,” Greiner said. ‘But I plugged it into the computer, and it read immediately and I was like ‘oh cool, let’s see what sort of treasures we’re going to find on this memory card.”

The treasures Greiner found were the photos of Amayi’s tubing trip, as well as the bachelorette party and friend’s wedding. 

Greiner believes that the camera spent 13 years in the river and traveled about 1.2 miles from where it was originally lost, which he called ‘astounding.’ 

Coral Amayi

Spencer Greiner

Coral Amayi (pictured left) had photos of her friends’ wedding and her own graduation among other cherished memories on the Olympus digital camera and took it with her tubing on the Animas River in 2010. The pictures were found 13 years later by Spencer Greiner (pictured right), who’d gone fishing in the river

Amayi had yet to upload most of the photos on the SD card to her personal computer, meaning many of those moments were seemingly lost forever

Amayi had yet to upload most of the photos on the SD card to her personal computer, meaning many of those moments were seemingly lost forever

'It was in rough shape, so I really didn't have any hopes of getting anything off of it, I was just planning to throw it away, and then curiosity got the best of me, and I had to see what was on it,' Greiner said of the camera

‘It was in rough shape, so I really didn’t have any hopes of getting anything off of it, I was just planning to throw it away, and then curiosity got the best of me, and I had to see what was on it,’ Greiner said of the camera

Amayi is expected to receive the SD card from Greiner later this week

Amayi is expected to receive the SD card from Greiner later this week

‘It just blows my mind that an SD card still worked after all that time,’ Amayi said.

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He turned to a Facebook group a week ago with the following message: ‘Did you get married on June 12th 2010 in the Durango area? 

‘Did you have an ugly brown stretch station wagon at your bachelorette party? Do you recognize any of these people? If so please contact me.’

Within an hour, people had begun to see their younger selves in Amay’s photos, including one key participant. 

‘It was less than an hour after I made the post and the groom from the wedding was like ‘that’s me and my wife!’ Greiner said. ‘So I was shocked that it happened so quickly.’

Greiner turned to a Facebook group a week ago with the following message: 'Did you get married on June 12th 2010 in the Durango area?' He got a response from the man who got married at the wedding Amayi attended

Greiner turned to a Facebook group a week ago with the following message: ‘Did you get married on June 12th 2010 in the Durango area?’ He got a response from the man who got married at the wedding Amayi attended

The photos included a bachelorette weekend Amayi was a part of

The photos included a bachelorette weekend Amayi was a part of

They were quickly able to get in touch with Amayi and give her the revelation. 

‘I was just totally dumbfounded,’ Amayi said. ‘And I got up and was like dancing in the bathroom, and I was like ‘who am I going to tell?! I need to tell this to somebody like right now.’

Amayi expects to get all of the photos from Greiner at some point this week. 


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