Woman reveals she was kicked out of her rental for not disclosing her dog


Renter reveals she was kicked out of her apartment for not disclosing she had a dog – but believes it was justified because the Aussie rental market is ‘ridiculous’

  • Sophia is an American expat who moved to Sydney over two years ago
  • She recently moved into an apartment in the CBD but failed to disclose her dog
  • Her landlord evicted her because of the lie and refused to renegotiate the lease
  • But Sophia believes her lie was justified because of Sydney’s rental market

A woman was kicked out of her Sydney rental after failing to disclose that she had a dog – but is convinced her behaviour is justified because of the rental market.

Sophia, who goes by @sophiainsydney on TikTok now that she has left her native Los Angeles, shared a video explaining her unfortunate housing situation.

‘My life has been the most unstable it’s ever been in the past few weeks,’ she explained. ‘I did not declare my dog because I think the rental market is so RIDICULOUS – and now I have to move out.’

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Woman reveals she was kicked out of her rental for not disclosing her dog

Sophia [pictured], who goes by @sophiainsydney now that she has left her native Los Angeles, shared a video on TikTok explaining her unfortunate housing situation

A woman was kicked out of her Sydney rental after failing to disclose her dog - but is convinced her behaviour is justified because of the rental market

A woman was kicked out of her Sydney rental after failing to disclose her dog – but is convinced her behaviour is justified because of the rental market


Do you think the lie was justified?

  • YES – renting with pets is very hard 39 votes
  • NO – it’s illegal to lie on rental applications 123 votes

‘I just moved [to my current apartment] two weeks ago and I’m going to have to move out,’ she said.

Sophia will also have to forfeit $3200 – which was the fee for breaking her lease early.

‘This building is very crazy and they noticed I have a dog,’ she said tearfully. 

The American expat also tried to negotiate with the landlord and offer a higher bond to cover having her dog, but the landlord refused to cooperate with her.

‘I’m at a point where I feel like I’m trying really hard and I finally thought I could take a break and everything was working out,’ she said.

Sophia added: ‘But it’s been really tough the last few weeks. I don’t want to go through all this again – finding a place, moving, losing more things.’

The LA influencer revealed that she had over $2000 worth of jewellery missing from the last time she moved and urged her followers to ensure their valuables are taped up in a box instead of somewhere an untrustworthy mover could get into.

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She admitted to feeling extremely lonely and lost – especially being so far away from her home and family. 

‘Times like these just make me feel more alone and, like, what am I doing here?’

The LA influencer revealed that she had over $2000 worth of jewellery missing from the last time she moved and urged her followers to ensure their valuables are taped up in a box instead of somewhere an untrustworthy mover could get in

The LA influencer revealed that she had over $2000 worth of jewellery missing from the last time she moved and urged her followers to ensure their valuables are taped up in a box instead of somewhere an untrustworthy mover could get in

The American expat also tried to negotiate with the landlord and offer a higher bond to cover having her dog, but the landlord refused to cooperate with her

Sophia will also have to forfeit $3200 - which was four weeks of rent and the fee for breaking her lease early

The American expat also tried to negotiate with the landlord and offer a higher bond to cover having her dog, but the landlord refused to cooperate with her

Many of her followers sympathised with her situation. 

‘Unfortunately, Sydney is super strict on declaring pets,’ one woman said. ‘But there are so many places out there now that allow pets! Especially coastal areas.’

‘I have a cat and it sucks so much because it makes it so much harder to find a place to live,’ said another. ‘I had to move recently and the rental crisis is fu***d.’

But others blamed her for her own situation.

‘You created this problem yourself when you lied,’ said one man.

‘It’s sad but pets can be extremely destructive and landlords deserve to know the truth.’



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