Woman is rescued after being chained in a dingy metal cell at her mother’s home for 20 YEARS


Woman, 39, is rescued after being chained and tied in a dingy metal cell at her mother’s home for 20 YEARS: Brazilian cops arrested ‘drunk’ mom after raiding property where daughter was held captive

  • Police rescued Rosinalva da Silva from the EspĂ­rito Santo, Brazil, home where her mother kept her imprisoned for 20 years
  • The 39-year-old woman was found with her feet chained and hands tied after police raided the residence Thursday
  • Authorities arrested the mother and a man; they said da Silva was locked in the home because she was battling a mental illness over the loss of her two children 

A disheveled woman has been rescued by police after being held captive in a dingy metal cell at her mother’s home for 20 years.

Rosinalva da Silva, 39, was found in a dark bedroom with her feet chained and her hands tied on Thursday in EspĂ­rito Santo, Brazil.

Her mother, whose name has not been released, was under the influence of alcohol when the cops raided the residence and arrested her, Civil Police chief Carlos Braga told Brazilian news outlet G1 reported.

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A man, whose name has not been released to the public, was also taken into custody.

Woman is rescued after being chained in a dingy metal cell at her mother’s home for 20 YEARS

Rosinalva da Silva was rescued from her mother’s home in Brazil on Thursday. Police said the 39-year-old woman was found chained and tied inside a room, where she was kept there against her will for 20 years

A police officer tends to Rosinalva da Silva after she was found locked up in a room at her mother's home in Espírito Santo, Brazil, on Thursday

A police officer tends to Rosinalva da Silva after she was found locked up in a room at her mother’s home in EspĂ­rito Santo, Brazil, on Thursday

Footage of the rescue showed cops entering the property and walking through a metal cell door – where they located the woman in a room where the only light came through a glass window.

Da Silva was then escorted out of the home while holding on the set of chain that kept her from fleeing for two decades.

Authorities said Da Silva was dehydrated and hungry when they discovered her holed up inside the makeshift cell.

Paramedics rushed her to Regional Hospital, where she remains under observation and being treated for severe malnutrition.

A police officer rescues Rosinalva da Silva from her mother's home in Brazil, where she was kept locked inside a room for 20 years. Authorities said the 39-year-old had suffered from mental illness brought upon the loss of her two children

A police officer rescues Rosinalva da Silva from her mother’s home in Brazil, where she was kept locked inside a room for 20 years. Authorities said the 39-year-old had suffered from mental illness brought upon the loss of her two children 

A police officer walks through the metal cell door that kept Rosinalva da Silva from escaping the room in her home where he mother kept her imprisoned for 20 years

A police officer walks through the metal cell door that kept Rosinalva da Silva from escaping the room in her home where he mother kept her imprisoned for 20 years

Da Silva’s mother reportedly kept her locked inside the home in response to the mental illness she battled after losing two children years ago.

Police said that the mother chained da Silva and locked her in the room because it was ‘the only way’ to handle her aggressiveness.

Authorities are still investigating the incident to determine if other people were also involved.


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