Although the Aries New Moon sowed the seeds of a new cycle, it’s just one of many celestial signs pointing to the possibility of a radically different world view emerging. Tomorrow, as Pluto enters Aquarius (for the first time since the 18th century) and joins The March of Destiny, seismic shifts in how we see society start to form in our mind. We’re being empowered to create the changes we wish to see.
Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.
March 21 – April 20
It’s not easy to extend the olive branch and try to reach an agreement. But you can do it. Even though part of you wants to be anything but accommodating, you’re in a position to encourage those involved to start a dialogue. It’s just that by facilitating this process, you know you’ll be forced to compromise your own interests. Still, in the interests of peace, you can rise above your personal concerns. The ramifications of your selflessness will bring benefits to everyone, including you.

What will March 21st 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells all. Although the Aries New Moon sowed the seeds of a new cycle, it’s just one of many celestial signs pointing to the possibility of a radically different world view emerging
The March of Destiny brings opportunities to create change. Benefit from it and transform your life! Call 0906 751 5601.
April 21- May 21
Children are born with a pronounced sense of justice. Whether it’s a turn on the swings or having the latest trainers, they want everything to be ‘fair’. And they complain loudly if they don’t feel like they’ve got their fair share! With experience, we realise that justice is complex. Some people are good at making things look fair when they’re not. And some people enjoy moaning about life being unfair. You’re aware of an unjust situation in your world. If you courageously call it out, you’ll help fix it.
Capture the powerful energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call your week-ahead March of Destiny forecast: 0906 751 5602.
May 22 – June 22
You can’t stop focusing on something. It’s as if you’ve fallen under a spell which is drawing your attention in a very specific direction. In Greek mythology, anyone who gazed into the eyes of Medusa was turned to stone. But you don’t have to look at what you’re feeling so compelled to focus on. The March of Destiny is encouraging you in a different direction. If you turn your attention elsewhere you’ll realise why a certain image is less appealing than you imagine.
In a week packed with cosmic creativity you can change your life. For news about the March of Destiny, call 0906 751 5603.
June 23 – July 23
We all have vocal habits and mannerisms we’re unaware of. It might be the way we emphasise certain words. Or a little laugh or cough that covers our shyness. We’re full of idiosyncrasies we don’t notice. And neither do our friends. Someone’s ‘quirky behaviour’ has taken you by surprise. Yet, rather than pointing out their faults, it might be wise to make allowances. As the powerful New Moon energy dissipates, what seems significant now will become less relevant in a day or two. Reassess then.
Powerful changes are possible. The March of Destiny brings cosmic gifts. Make the most of them! Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5604.
July 24 – August 23
‘If you aim for the Moon you might just reach the top of a tree. But if you aim for the top of a tree you might never get off the ground’. The wisdom of this old saying is almost second nature to you. I mention it, because an ambitious plan is forming in your mind. And you’re having a few doubts. Your success is not guaranteed but there’s a good chance you’ll achieve what you want to achieve. And even if you only get part of the way there, you’ll be glad you made the effort. Reach as high as you can today.

Tomorrow, as Pluto (pictured) enters Aquarius (for the first time since the 18th century) and joins The March of Destiny, seismic shifts in how we see society start to form in our mind. We’re being empowered to create the changes we wish to see
The March of Destiny brings opportunities to create change. Benefit from it and transform your life! Call 0906 751 5605.
August 24 – September 23
They say that a life without controversy is a life half-lived. And while I wouldn’t recommend doing anything totally outlandish today, sometimes it’s good to ruffle a few feathers. You’re questioning an agreement that has outlived its original purpose. You’ve been contemplating making a change for some time. And the timing feels right. Just take a moment to check your motives. And trust that the best person to know what’s right for you is you. You need to do what you need to do.
Capture the powerful energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call your week-ahead March of Destiny forecast: 0906 751 5606.
September 24 – October 23
The problem with being in a position of power is that people say what they think you want to hear. Like the emperor and his new clothes. He was so convinced that his invisible outfit was spectacular that no one dared tell him he was naked. The child who pointed out the obvious must have got into some trouble! No one likes being reminded of the truth when a fabrication is much easier to deal with. You’re becoming aware of the reality behind a facade. Do you have the courage to call it out? Of course you do!
In a week packed with cosmic creativity you can change your life. For news about the March of Destiny, call 0906 751 5607.
October 24 – November 22
Since a situation needs to be dealt with discreetly, you’re obliged to keep a piece of information to yourself. It involves needing to protect someone from news they’re not ready to hear. It’s delicate because if you set out to create a deception, even though it’s for a good reason, there’ll be consequences. So say as much as you can today. And don’t say what you mustn’t say. Just because you can’t share what you know yet doesn’t mean that you have long to wait.
Powerful changes are possible. The March of Destiny brings cosmic gifts. Make the most of them! Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5608.
November 23 – December 21
It is so important to get one ingredient right when baking bread: timing. We can get our measurements spot on. Create a perfect blend of flavourings. The oven conditions might be set to achieve the perfect crust…but if we don’t bake it for long enough, none of that will matter. The other processes are important, but there’s a hierarchy that needs to be considered. The same is true of your current project. You’ve got the ingredients. The time’s right to get cooking.
The March of Destiny brings opportunities to create change. Benefit from it and transform your life! Call 0906 751 5609.
December 22 – January 20
There’s some truth to the saying that ‘we become like the company we keep’. If we hang out with clever people, there’s a chance we’ll become smarter. If we spend our time with wealthy folk, we’re likely to find ways to get richer. And if we mix with people who are self-centred… well, you get my drift. With your ruling planet, Saturn, in sensitive Pisces, The March of Destiny brings a change in your social outlook. Look out for opportunities to make connections with like-minded souls.
Capture the powerful energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call your week-ahead March of Destiny forecast: 0906 751 5610.
January 21 – February 19
We’ve all got our likes and dislikes: foods we can’t stand or songs we can’t bear to hear. Are you right to like what you like? Are other people wrong to like what you dislike? You’re under pressure to be enthusiastic about a plan you don’t believe in. Just as you wouldn’t hurry to a restaurant you don’t like — you’re also not obliged to explore an option that doesn’t appeal to you. The March of Destiny encourages you to make a choice guided by your true preference.
In a week packed with cosmic creativity you can change your life. For news about the March of Destiny, call 0906 751 5611.
February 20 – March 20
Back in the days of old, movies were in black and white. With the advent of colour, some directors chose to start their film in monochrome, then at a dramatic moment, change to Technicolor. Imagine the effect on the audience! In your world now, a similar effect is taking place. The March of Destiny brings vibrancy to mundane aspects of your life. Situations that felt dull have much more potential. Watch out for a wow factor in a surprising place today.
Powerful changes are possible. The March of Destiny brings cosmic gifts. Make the most of them! Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5612.
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