The Lunar New Year starts on Sunday and with it comes the Year of the Rabbit – one of the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac.
Unlike Western astrology, each sign of the Chinese zodiac ‘rules’ over an entire year, bringing with it particular energy to everything that occurs over the next 12 months.
The year of the Rabbit, as expected, signals good fortune for those born in the years, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, and 2023.
It also influences the fortunes of the other 11 animal signs, depending on their relationship with the Rabbit.

Chinese New Year will mark the start of the Year of the Tiger – one of the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac. Pictured, all 12 signs: the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Sheep (or Goat), the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig
The water Rabbit is ‘a confident fellow who is full of gusto and a love of life that drives his energy forward as he makes his best endeavours in all he applies his mind to,’ explained Leicester-based master Kay Tom CH DS YHH and founder of the The Energy Specialist.
Speaking to FEMAIL, Kay revealed exactly what the next 12 months holds in store for each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
It is worth remembering that unlike the Roman calendar new year, the lunar new year changes, although it usually falls between January 21 and February 20. This year it falls on January 22.
This means that those born in the early part of the calendar year are actually assigned the Chinese zodiac of the previous year.
Scroll down to read Kay’s predictions…
The Rabbit: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Following the example of the Rabbit, 2023 is a year of drive and ambition in the quest to find a resolution to a predicament that has presented itself out of no personal fault or inadequacy
With his heightened intelligence the Rabbit can use his wisdom to navigate the challenges that cross his path and steer him toward a successful resolution.
He represents the season of Spring, so he naturally rises with the energy of the New Year with confidence and enthusiasm.
Following the example of the Rabbit, 2023 is a year of drive and ambition in the quest to find a resolution to a predicament that has presented itself out of no personal fault or inadequacy.
The best advice he can offer for the year ahead is to start as you mean to go on as first impressions count for everything. In truth, the Rabbit is not the strongest when he stands alone, hence he will always work best in a team.
He needs the support of his colleagues to carry his projects through making him a social animal both day and night as he networks to maintains his connections.
He is always on trend in his thinking, his attitude, and his fashion sense, and throughout the Rabbit likes to look good for he knows to look the best is to attract the best.
The vulnerability of the 2023 Rabbit is in over committing, over promising and over working that leads to compromising both himself and his health.
It is important to recognise the strength of delegation and the value of a joint effort as there is no shame in asking for help for everyone this year.
The Tiger: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

The Tiger’s ambitions are supported by the Rabbit and along with the Dragon they will make a formidable team in 2023
The Tiger is known for his wisdom and rationale and will contemplate all aspects of a proposal before making a commitment as success is the only option for him.
He is an early riser who likes to play ahead of the game as he prefers to hunt in the first light of the day and secure the first bite of the prey.
The Tiger’s ambitions are supported by the Rabbit and along with the Dragon they will make a formidable team in 2023.
The Snake: 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
The Snake is very astute and will watch a situation developing while quietly sitting back and enjoying the show.
He is highly intelligent and keen to learn from others so he will emulate the example of the Rabbit and enjoy becoming part of the process when the time is right.
The foundation stones on which to build his empire are in place for him in 2023 and his circumstances can change unexpectedly, particularly through the summer months as the Snake likes to be warm. The Snake is part of the progress in lifting the spirits 2023.
The Horse: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Known as the sport of King’s and where the term horsepower originates from, it comes as no surprise that the Horse represents the height of achievement from which he earns his inimitable status.
People respect the Horse for his ability, his strength, his experience, and his power and many want to become his friend.
He is acutely social if only people can keep up with his pace and nothing pleases him more than to run, free as a bird, mane flowing in the wind.
The horse is a true spirit that is fueled by the Rabbit of 2023, not that he is overly interested in the Rabbit’s point of view, he simply needs his support to sustain his progress.
The Sheep: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
The very responsible Sheep recognises the need for balance and understands that overwork, overload, and overindulgence need to be kept in check.
The Sheep’s approach is therefore more yin, more laid back, as he helps the Rabbit to gain a perspective that will consolidate the efforts of the year rather than the energy running away and everyone’s hard work being in vain.
The Sheep is very much part of the Rabbit’s team, always watching his back to ensure success for all concerned, including himself.
The Monkey: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The Monkey is a sociable sort, dedicated to taking care of their health. The Monkey’s endeavours will be successful this year
The excitable Monkey’s energy is needed throughout 2023 to sustain the progress of the endeavours of the Rabbit.
He is not a direct ally of the Rabbit and will be more focused on his own projects because organisation and delegation are strong traits of his that he likes to utilise.
That said, the Monkey does appreciate and respect the Rabbit for the rising energy he is presenting and for the confidence that this gives for his future.
The Rooster: 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Being the most forthright of the 12 animals the Rooster does not understand the easy-going and flexible Rabbit at all.
It isn’t that the Rooster is disrespectful, it is simply that he has tremendous belief in his own opinion, and nothing will deviate him from his focus.
He is loud and assertive and can make the Rabbit shrink into a submission, reducing his confidence and slowing his progress.
That said, the points the Rooster wants to make are valid and valuable even though they may be hard to hear.
It is a wise Rooster who respects the fact that we all do our best with the skill set we have and who softens his approach a little in 2023 to avoid a reputation of being head strong and arrogant. It is a wise Rabbit who listens to his advice.
The Pig: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
The enterprising and hardworking Pig always has his nose to the ground to be ready to spot any opportunities that pop up.
He is particularly loyal to the Rabbit in feeding through ideas on long terms projects and works well in a team with the Rabbit and the Sheep.
Collectively this team can lift the spirits of a whole organisation and drive it toward the goal of success.
The Pig represents the direction of northwest, and everyone will be well advised to keep this area of the home or workplace clean, fresh, and clutter free to allow the ideas to flow through to the Rabbit at the same time avoiding the potential of health issues that sit in this direction in 2023.
The Rat: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Above all else the Rat hates confrontation and is happy with his life that is constantly on the move as this is all he knows. Stability therefore is not a natural seat that he recognises as his to do list constantly changes like the wind as the situation dictates.
For the Rat simplicity is the key as all he wants to do is to get on with the job in hand even though it is always a challenge to complete it.
He has the best of intentions for the Rabbit but the vulnerability is to overwhelm him with the momentum of the motion that surround the Rat.
The best advice for the Rat for 2023 is to follow the example of the Rabbit and reduce the pace and be amazed at how much this can achieve.
The Ox: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
The slow and stable Ox can be likened to a mountain that offers protection and shelter from the storms.
This is the relationship the Ox has with the Rabbit and one that helps shelter the Rabbit from overload in his year of responsibility.
In return the Rabbit will help the Ox to gain a perspective on his own schedule of endeavours.
For these two there is a mutual respect that brings the Ox opportunities to help his own development.
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