Teacher with prosthetic Z-cup breast FINALLY put on leave


A transgender teacher with prosthetic Z-cup breasts has finally been suspended from her Canadian school after pictures showed her in men’s clothing, proving she does not wear the provocative attire all the time.

Kayla Lemieux, who claims the breasts are real and the result of a medical condition, has come under fire for her tight outfits and huge prosthetics, with parents previously claiming she ‘mocks women and the education experience.’

The Halton District School Board (HDSB) confirmed she had been placed on paid leave on Tuesday – though she continues to be paid for her role at Oakville Trafalgar High School.

‘While not currently on an active assignment, the teacher remains employed with the HDSB,’ board spokesperson Heather Francey told the Toronto Sun

It came as parents of students lined up to attack the schoolboard for its failure to impose a stricter dress code on Lemieux sooner.

Teacher with prosthetic Z-cup breast FINALLY put on leave

Kayla Lemieux, the transgender high school teacher in Canada, has been put on paid leave after pictures emerged of her dressed as a man proving she does not wear the prosthetics all the time

Last week a person bearing a striking to Lemieux was seen out and about wearing men's clothing - minus the prosthetics and wig. Lemieux is seen pictured in summer 2022

Last week a person bearing a striking to Lemieux was seen out and about wearing men’s clothing – minus the prosthetics and wig. Lemieux is seen pictured in summer 2022 

One woman received a rapturous applause on Wednesday evening as she told a board meeting it was imperative that ‘forms of identity and expression presented in the school environment be scrutinized against the child’s safeguarding practices.’

Lemieux has bizarrely insisted her breasts are natural and a result of a condition called ‘gigantomastia’ – though she admits she has never received a formal medical diagnosis.

She also claims to be intersex – meaning she was born with both male and female sex organs – rather than transgender.  

But her account was called into question this week as pictures emerged appearing to show her dressed as a man – without the large prosthetics and blonde wig.

The images were the reason for the eventual suspension, the Toronto Sun reports. 

Until this week, the teacher had the full backing of her schoolboard who said the issue was a ‘personnel matter.’ 

Students were even threatened with suspension if they were caught taking pictures or videos of her. 

In Wednesday’s board meeting, Lemieux was not mentioned by name as parents, teachers and board members voted on the school’s ‘professionalism’ policies. 

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At several times HDSB chair Margo Shuttleworth – who previously defended Lemieux as an ‘extremely effective teacher’ – had to quieten noise and applause from parents, asking them to keep their ‘comments inside their head.’

One delegate, named Lynn, poured cold water on the board’s previous suggestion that telling Lemieux how to dress would be illegal. 

Lemieux has made headlines multiple times and began transitioning from male to female in 2021

The district warned that students are not allowed to take pictures of anyone in school unless they get their permission

Lemieux has made headlines multiple times and began transitioning from male to female in 2021

Students shared videos of Lemieux in other schools while she recovered from a foot injury, showing her walking with crutches

Students shared videos of Lemieux in other schools while she recovered from a foot injury, showing her walking with crutches

She cited a piece from Ontario employment lawyer Howard Levitt who said the schoolboard did have the power to ban the teacher’s outrageous outfits but suggested they were too scared to do so.

‘Every collective agreement permits the employer to require its employees to dress reasonably and even more so to require that a teacher of young people be a role model for civility and professionalism,’ she told the meeting, quoting Levitt.

Many others were critical of the ‘survey’ the school had put together about its professionalism policies in the wake of the Lemieux row.

Parents had already expressed frustration that the survey made no mention of the school’s dress code.  

A father said at the Wednesday meeting: ‘The issue here is that the board is required by law to solicit the views of the school’s councils and to the best of my knowledge the board has not done so.

‘Instead it has circulated a survey and circulating a survey is not the same as soliciting the views of the school’s councils.’

Lemieux’s provocative attire has been the subject of fierce political debate. 

This week, Ontario’s Minister for Education Stephen Lecce told the Toronto Star: ‘Halton parents are rightfully outraged at what’s taking place.

‘The welfare of kids should prevail in our judgements in school boards and in government.’ 

And local MPPs Natalie, Pierre, Stephen Crawford and Ellie Triantafilopoulos signed a joint statement claiming the board has ‘abdicated its responsibility by failing to put the interests and safety of students first.’

The statement was published on Tuesday – the same day Lemieux was officially suspended by the school.

Parents in the area have also set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for a legal fund to sue the school.

A similar page raised nearly $10,000. 

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Lemieux previously told the New York Post: ‘I’m not wearing prosthetic breasts. These are real.

‘My condition is classified as gigantomastia, which can also be referred to as macromastia or breast hypertrophy.

But she noted how she had never received a formal medical diagnosis.

Pictures this week appeared to contradict Lemieux’s account as they showed a man bearing her resemblance dressed in scruffy, gray clothing – and minus the prosthetics.

In November, Lemieux was pictured skydiving with a male porn star named Voodoo, whose real name is Alexandre Boisvert

In November, Lemieux was pictured skydiving with a male porn star named Voodoo, whose real name is Alexandre Boisvert 

A neighbor identified that person as being the Toronto teacher. They were later seen driving in and out of the apartment block and walking on the sidewalk later on.

‘He wears prosthetic breasts extremely infrequently,’ the neighbor said. ‘He puts the breasts on to teach, occasionally when he goes for a walk or when the cops visit.’

A law enforcement source also says that officers – both uniformed and plainclothes – do regular welfare checks at her apartment.

The neighbor claims that usually, Lemieux’s outfit is completely unmissable, having started going out in public as a woman in May 2022.

The district previously claimed that interfering or criticizing the teacher would go against the Ontario Human Rights Code.

‘The HDSB recognizes the rights of students, staff, parents/guardians and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression. Gender identity and gender expression are protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code,’ the board said in a statement.

Dailymail.com has reached out to HDSB for comment. 

In November, Lemieux was pictured skydiving with a male porn star named Voodoo, whose real name is Alexandre Boisvert.

Voodoo said that he was only focused on jumping out of the plane, and discussing his personal feelings about transgender people with Lemieux would be counterproductive to their safety.

He also stressed that Lemieux did not know who he was either.

Speaking exclusively to DailyMail at the time, Voodoo said: ‘I had no idea I was taking the controversial transgender school teacher until they showed up to the drop zone.

‘I’m not a fan of trans activism or Kayla’s behavior at the school but I’m a professional and I don’t discriminate.’

He added: ‘I’ll throw anyone out of a plane. Plus, I regarded taking a big 230-pound person with huge prosthetic beasts on a skydive as a challenge. Most instructors would not even take them strictly on their size alone.’

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What is macromastia and gigantomastia and can intersex people get it?

Both macromastia and gigantomastia refer to the same condition, the growth of excessively large breasts. 

The difference between the two is how big the breasts grow.

Gigantomastia is the larger end of the scale, defined as either having breasts which have over five pounds of excess tissue, or which compose more than 3 per cent of the woman’s total body weight.

Macromastia is the term used for the condition when the breast tissue weighs less but is still causing health problems.

Doctors think it’s usually triggered by changes in the production of estrogen — the hormone responsible for the growth of breast tissue. 

These changes can include puberty, pregnancy, taking certain medications and medical conditions, as well as genetics. However, sometimes the cause can be unknown. 

Treatment varies depending on what has triggered the condition.

Medics will sometimes wait to see if the change is permanent or corrects itself over time, an approach typically used in cases relating to puberty. 

If it doesn’t resolve naturally, treatment options include medication or breast reduction surgery.

Gigantomastia is considered rare by medics, with only about 300 cases ever reported, according to Cleveland Clinic.

Men can get a similar condition called gynecomastia, where they too develop excessively large breasts. 

Like gigantomastia, this is generally linked to hormonal changes that can be triggered by puberty, a side effect of certain medications, or another medical condition.

Intersex is a broad term used for a range of differences in how people sexually develop compared to a typical person.

This is related to a combination of their chromosome, their hormones, and the makeup of their sexual organs.

Depending on the combination, people can be identified as being intersex at different points in their life.

Sometimes the condition is obvious from birth.

But in others it only comes to light during puberty, when trying to have a baby, or during an autopsy. 

In theory, there is no reason why an intersex person couldn’t develop gigantomastia.

A type of intersex development called Klinefelter syndrome, involves biological males getting an extra X chromosome, making them XXY. 

Men with Klinefelter syndrome produce less testosterone which can lead to an imbalance between the hormone and the estrogen levels in their bodies.

This leaves them at greater risk of developing gynecomastia.

Sources: Cleveland Clinic  


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