Sydney marriage celebrant Meggan Brummer recovers beachgoer’s wedding ring at the bottom of Balmoral


Snorkeler miraculously finds woman’s wedding ring at the bottom of the ocean while out on her daily swim: ‘It meant everything to her’

  • Snorkeler found beachgoer’s lost wedding ring at Balmoral
  • Recovered Apple phone four days earlier and tracked down owner
  • Meggan and her family have found dozens of lost belongings

A marriage celebrant has recalled the incredible moment she reunited a beachgoer with her wedding ring found at the bottom of the ocean during her daily swim.

Meggan Brummer was snorkelling at Sydney‘s Balmoral Beach on Friday.

A frantic woman approached her, explaining that her wedding ring had fallen off her finger and slipped through the pier’s wooden slats into the sea.

Ms Brummer offered to help and, after several 3-4 metre dives, found the precious ring among seaweed and algae at the bottom of the ocean 20 minutes later.

She rose to the surface and returned the ring to relieved beachgoer Paola, who revealed the band’s sentimental value.

‘She explained how her husband gave it to her when they got married 13 years ago at a time where they didn’t have much money,’ Ms Brummer told Daily Mail Australia.

‘Her husband eventually upgraded the ring, but the opal fell off and was expensive to repair. Paola had just started wearing the original wedding ring again when it fell off last Friday.’

Paola was beside herself after the ring was miraculously found.

‘She ran up to me and gave the biggest hug,’ Ms Brummer recalled.

‘It meant everything to her. Had it happened the next day, I would have never found it as the water wasn’t as visible.’

The Mosman resident has been a marriage celebrant for more than a decade, including dozens of ceremonies at Balmoral.

‘Who knows, she and her husband could be doing renewing their vows with me in the future!’ Ms Brummer joked.

‘Maybe we could even do it down at Balmoral.’

Avid snorkeler Meggan Brummer also retrieved an Apple phone from the water at Balmoral last week which has since been returned to its owner

Avid snorkeler Meggan Brummer also retrieved an Apple phone from the water at Balmoral last week which has since been returned to its owner

Simon and Meggan Brummer have retrieved dozens of lost treasures at Balmoral from wedding and eternity rings to Fitbits, phones and Apple watches

Simon and Meggan Brummer have retrieved dozens of lost treasures at Balmoral from wedding and eternity rings to Fitbits, phones and Apple watches

The remarkable discovery was found days after Ms Brummer found an Apple phone from the water and has since tracked down its owner to return it.

The phone was still working after two days after it was accidentally dropped in the water after it was soaked in rice to dry it out.

Just two weeks ago, Ms Brummer’s husband found a young woman’s eternity ring which had been a Christmas present from her boyfriend.

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Two years earlier, Mr Brummer searched and retrieved a man’s wedding ring also lost in the water.

The story brought back vivid flashbacks for the grateful owner when Ms Brummer recalled her recent retrieval on a Mosman community Facebook page on Monday.

‘Lightening does strike twice! Thank you and your husband for your amazing work finding my wedding ring at Balmoral 2 years ago! I was beyond stoked!’ the man posted.

Marriage celebrant Meggan Brummer (pictured) goes down to Balmoral almost daily to swim, dive and snorkel with her family where they often come across lost treasures

Marriage celebrant Meggan Brummer (pictured) goes down to Balmoral almost daily to swim, dive and snorkel with her family where they often come across lost treasures

Other group members were touched by Ms Brummer sharing the story behind her heartwarming gesture.

‘Wow what an incredible story and beautiful act of kindness, compassion and determination demonstrated by you in her time of need,’ one local commented.

Another added: ‘What a wonderful story and a beautiful thing to do for a stranger.’

The Brummers have found dozens of lost treasures at Balmoral this summer alone, including phones, several Apple watches and an expensive Fitbit.

‘My greatest finds have been an Apple Phone, a wallet and someone’s car keys – which I managed to return because the owner just happened to still be at the Boathouse two hours later,’ Ms Brummer said.

‘It gives me absolute joy and satisfaction to find lost treasures and return them to their owners.’ 

Meggan's husband Simon also found a lost wedding ring at Balmoral two years ago, which brought back fond memories for the owner when she shared her story this week

Meggan’s husband Simon also found a lost wedding ring at Balmoral two years ago, which brought back fond memories for the owner when she shared her story this week

‘It was just so wonderful to be able to return her ring to her’: Meggan Brummer describes the moment she found woman’s wedding ring

On Friday I found this woman’s wedding ring at the bottom of the harbour!!​​​​​​​​

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​​​​​​I was at snorkelling at Balmoral around the nets when this woman on the pier asked me how deep it was. She quickly followed up with the bombshell … her wedding ring had just fallen between the boards into the depths below. Right at the back of the baths.

​​​​​I started driving down – looking for it. We then worked out it was probably on the outside of the shark net. So I climbed out and jumped over. I’m not really good at diving down too deep, and today it must’ve been over 4m, but I was determined to find her ring. ​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​I wasn’t having much luck. I’d been down quite a few times and could only hold my breath for a few seconds with each dive. So I decided that instead of swimming around when I got down, I would just stare at the ground immediately in front of my eyes. And so I did. And then there was! Right in front of my eyes! Despite all the seaweed and algae down there, the ring had fallen straight on the sand. ​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​It was just so wonderful to be able to return her ring to her. Paola was just beside herself with relief. ​​​​​​​​

​​​​​And she couldn’t believe it when I told her I’m actually a marriage celebrant! Lol!

Perhaps it’s time for her & hubby to renew their vows.





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