Sister of Brit shot dead by ex-girlfriend is in ‘shock’ after seeing killer enjoying a Spanish beach


The sister of a British millionaire shot dead by his former swimwear model ex-girlfriend says she is in a ‘state of shock’ after seeing pictures of the convicted killer sunbathing on a Spanish beach following her early release from prison.

Mayka Kukucova sparked outrage by posting Instagram selfies of her topping up her tan in skimpy bikinis after serving just over half her murder sentence behind bars.

The 32-year-old Slovakian blonde, convicted of killing Bristol-based jeweller Andrew Bush at his Costa del Sol holiday home in front of his new Russian partner, has appeared to want to show the world on social media she is lapping up her new-found freedom with her provocative posts.

Last night Mr Bush’s grieving sibling Rachel said she was more certain than ever Kukucova had no remorse as she railed against the decision to release her.

The 49-year-old, who gave evidence at Kukucova’s Malaga murder trial two years after the April 5 2014 shooting, said: ‘She’s carrying on as she’s always carried on with no remorse. 

‘I understand she’s on parole and her sentence hasn’t yet expired but it’s absolutely ludicrous to think someone can do what she did and be out on the streets so quickly.

‘I was shocked to see the pictures and discover she was out of jail. I had no idea and found out from the papers. It’s total madness.

‘She’s always tried to make out she was innocent and didn’t do what she was convicted of and claim Andy shot himself during a fight which is just bulls**t as we all know.

‘She believes her own lies, she always has.

‘What she committed was cold-blooded murder. She shot Andy when he was falling or he was on the floor. She didn’t accidentally kill him, she purposely killed him and she’s allowed to be out there free. It’s unacceptable.’

Her victim millionaire businessman Andrew Bush, 48, pictured with girlfriend student Maria Korotaeva

Her victim millionaire businessman Andrew Bush, 48, pictured with girlfriend student Maria Korotaeva

Mayka Kukucova flaunts her freedom as she cools off at a Spanish beach

The model has posed for a number of pictures since her release, although her Instagram account has now been deleted

Kukucova, 32, has posed up for a number of glamorous shots posted to social media celebrating her freedom early from jail

One of her pictures shows her posing provocatively in a tight white dress while leaning against a palm tree in Spain

One of her pictures shows her posing provocatively in a tight white dress while leaning against a palm tree in Spain

Kukucova was initially sentenced to 15 years in prison for breaking into Mr Bush’s home between Marbella and Estepona and shooting the 48-year-old businessman dead with a .38 revolver after he arrived for a break with his new love Maria Korotaeva.

She had been lying in wait for the couple for two days, and shot Mr Bush twice in the head and once in the shoulder. 

She fled in his Hummer and managed to return to her homeland with an ex-boyfriend before being arrested weeks later and extradited to Spain.

Jurors at her May 2016 murder trial heard she had slept in her ex’s bed for two nights after flying to Malaga from her homeland on a one-way ticket and was in her pyjamas when her victim and his glamorous 23-year-old girlfriend arrived at his rented £2,500-a-month villa.

They ruled Kukucova had placed the murder weapon in Mr Bush’s hand after he was shot three times to make it appear he had committed suicide.

The original trial judge accepted she had acted in a ‘passionate state of mind’ when he sentenced her.

Kukucova had nearly two years knocked off her prison term in January 2017 when appeal judges ruled they were acquitting her of breaking into Mr Bush’s holiday home six months after their split and were taking into account a quasi confession they said lacked ‘total veracity’ because she alleged she killed her ex in self-defence when he attacked her.

Pictures on her Instagram account which has since been deleted featured her in a car with a friend and posing next to an airport departures information board

Pictures on her Instagram account which has since been deleted featured her in a car with a friend and posing next to an airport departures information board

Prison seems a world away for Kukucova as she looks glamorous in a bikini on the Spanish sands after being freed from jail

Prison seems a world away for Kukucova as she looks glamorous in a bikini on the Spanish sands after being freed from jail

Kukucova had joined her Slovakian parents Danka and Lubomir on the Spanish holiday island of Majorca for a sunny break

Kukucova had joined her Slovakian parents Danka and Lubomir on the Spanish holiday island of Majorca for a sunny break

The villa in Spain where Andy Bush was shot by Mayka Kukucova after she lay in wait to confront him over his new girlfriend

The villa in Spain where Andy Bush was shot by Mayka Kukucova after she lay in wait to confront him over his new girlfriend

At the time it was reported her lawyers were expected to submit a further appeal to Spain’s Supreme Court. It was not immediately clear last night if she had managed to shorten her already-reduced sentence of 13 years and nine months.

The time she spent in custody following the April 2014 murder was taken into account in determining when she became eligible for parole.

Spanish officials have yet to confirm when she first started benefitting from temporary prison releases, although it is believed she could have been allowed to leave jail for short periods of time which were then extended for more than a year.

Since her release she has posted brazen snaps on social media, an also reportedly joined her Slovakian parents Danka and Lubomir on the Spanish holiday island of Majorca, where she posted a picture two weeks ago of the three of them enjoying a meal in a restaurant in a shopping mall. 

Mr Bush’s sister, who last year said she wished Kukucova had been tried in an American state where taking a life can mean capital punishment, raged: ‘I am under the understanding that she has been released on parole but has to stay on Spanish soil.

‘It’s all a massive shock to me. I wasn’t aware this could possibly happen. I thought maybe her release date would be at least another five years off and that’s something you try to prepare for. 

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‘To be suddenly told she’s out and has been for a while and see all the pictures and photos she’s posted has left me sickened. She’s no different to the way she was before.

‘The compensation hasn’t even come into my mind. It’s not about the money. But I don’t want her life to be easy and it seems to me she’s had it easy. 

‘I heard she was in a prison with a swimming pool and now she’s out there living the life.

‘She can’t live on fresh air and I wonder where her money’s coming from. I know for a fact her family doesn’t have any money.’

She added: ‘My fear is she tries now to start making money out of all this and sells a story to the papers. I just hope no-one would even think of entertaining that. It would be repulsive and completely wrong.

‘I don’t want her taking away anymore from me and my family than she’s already done.

‘I would like to see her behind bars still but no matter where she is it doesn’t bring Andy back.

‘She’s done that. She’s taken his life and he’s not coming back and that’s the saddest thing of all.’

Kukucova’s most recent selfie on Facebook shows her posing in bright pink lipstick at a clifftop balcony beauty spot overlooking cliffs and a beach at Nerja near Malaga.

Other pictures on her Instagram account which has since been deleted featured her in a car with a friend and posing next to an airport departures information board.

Several images showed her with a scarf around her wrist, leading to speculation that she might have been fitted with an electronic tag to monitor her movements after her prison release.

Kukucova is thought to have served the bulk of her prison sentence in a Spanish jail which was described by Slovakian media as being ‘more like a resort than a jail’.


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