Revesby school bus fire: Sydney students rushed off by teachers, driver after it caught alight


Kids rushed off burning school bus by their teachers after it exploded into a ball of flames

  • School bus catches fire in Sydney’s southwest
  • Students and teachers rushed off the bus

Dozens of students have been rushed off a bus by their teachers after it exploded into a ball of flames.

Emergency services were called to Weston St in the southwest Sydney suburb of Revesby on Friday morning to reports a bus had caught alight.

The driver of the bus and the teachers helped the 39 students off the vehicle before firefighters started trying to douse the flames. 

Fire and Rescue NSW confirmed firefighters extinguished the fire just before 9am.

The vehicle was well alight before they arrived and was unable to be salvaged.

More to come. 

Revesby school bus fire: Sydney students rushed off by teachers, driver after it caught alight

The bus was well alight when fire crews arrived and students were pulled off by teachers

Fire crews managed to extinguish the blaze before 9am Friday morning

Fire crews managed to extinguish the blaze before 9am Friday morning


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