Republicans drop 1,000 page report saying FBI is ‘rotted at its core’ and downplayed Hunter Biden


BREAKING NEWS: Republicans drop 1,000-page report saying FBI is ‘rotted at its core’, manipulated domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes, and deliberately downplayed ‘serious allegations of wrongdoing’ from Hunter Biden

  • Republicans on then House Judiciary Committee released a 1,000-page report on the politicization and misconduct in the FBI 
  • It said the FBI is ‘rotted at its core,’ manipulated domestic violent extremism statistics and downplayed the allegations leveled at Hunter Biden  

Republicans on then House Judiciary Committee released  a 1,000-page report on the politicization and misconduct in the FBI.

The damning file said the bureau is ‘rotted at its core,’ manipulated domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes and downplayed investigations and ‘serious allegations of wrongdoing’ leveled at Hunter Biden.

Republican members of the committee also said whistleblowers have come forward with allegations of ‘rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse.’

The report was created without the help of the Democrats on the committee, which are the majority party, and was released four days before the midterm elections.  

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It details Sen. Chuck Grassley’s revelation that agent Tim Thibault as part of a ‘”scheme” to discredit derogatory’ information on President Joe Biden’s son, and caused allegations from the laptop to be ‘falsely’ labelled as ‘disinformation’.

‘The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,’ the GOP report states. ‘The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.’ 

The Republicans are calling it ‘the first comprehensive accounting of the FBI’s problems to date, which undermine the FBI’s fundamental law-enforcement mission.’  

The Republicans accuse the FBI of using counterterrorism resources to target parents during the highly divisive school board meetings in the pandemic and abusing foreign surveillance powers. 

‘Over the last year, a multitude of whistleblowers have approached Judiciary Committee Republicans with allegations of political bias by the FBI’s senior leadership and misuses of the agency’s federal law -enforcement powers,’ the report adds. 

‘These whistleblowers have risked their careers out of fidelity to principle and a commitment to restoring public trust in the FBI. This report begins to tell their stories.

‘Even at this early stage, one startling conclusion is clear: the FBI and its parent agency, the Justice Department, have become political institutions.’

Americans ‘deserve to have confidence that the enormous power and reach of federal law enforcement will be used fairly and free of any indication of politicization,’ the report continues.

‘The FBI has the power, quite literally, to ruin a person’s life – to invade their residence, to take their property and even deprive them of their liberty’, it adds.

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In it’s first summary of the Hunter investigation, the report says there is ‘mounting evidence from the last two years’ that he ‘received preferential treatment from federal law enforcement who seemed to have turned a blind eye to the potential national security threats presented by his business dealings with Chinese, Russian and other foreign nationals. 

Republicans drop 1,000 page report saying FBI is ‘rotted at its core’ and downplayed Hunter Biden

Republicans on then House Judiciary Committee released a 1,000-page report on the politicization and misconduct in the FBI


1) The FBI leadership abusing its law-enforcement authority for political reasons.

2) The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.

3) The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.

4) The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.

5) The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.

6) The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.

7) The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.

8) The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda.

9) The FBI conducting an “intelligence” assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.

10) The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership’s political ideology.

11) The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.

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