Rape suspect paraded with bag over his head after being accused of attacking British woman


Rape suspect, 32, is paraded by police with bag over his head after being accused of attacking Brit woman, 42, in front of her husband after ‘offering her a massage’ while on holiday in Goa

  • The unnamed British woman, 42, lodged a complaint with police on Monday
  • She claimed she was raped on June 2 by a man offering massage services
  • Accused was paraded in front of the local police station with a bag on his head 
  • The woman was allegedly assaulted as she lay by Sweet Water Lake in Goa, India 

The alleged rapist of a British woman near Arambol beach in Goa has been paraded around in public with his hands cuffed and a bag over his head following his arrest by Indian police.

The 42-year-old woman, who remains unidentified, lodged a complaint at the Pernem police station on Monday days after the alleged incident took place on June 2.

She claimed she was raped by a man who offered her a massage as she lay beside the Sweet Water Lake, close to the popular tourist destination of Arambol beach in Goa. 

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Police within hours had located and arrested 32-year-old local Vincent D’Souza, a former librarian who was part of a criminal group illegally offering massage services to tourists in the area according to Inspector Vikram Naik.

Footage emerged today of the accused stood outside Pernem police station surrounded by several cops and with a black bag unceremoniously draped over his head.

Rape suspect paraded with bag over his head after being accused of attacking British woman

The alleged rapist is posed by his police captors for the cameras, his identity concealed by a bag over his head

The alleged rapist of a British woman near Arambol beach in Goa has been paraded around in public with his hands cuffed and a bag over his head following his arrest by Indian police

The alleged rapist of a British woman near Arambol beach in Goa has been paraded around in public with his hands cuffed and a bag over his head following his arrest by Indian police

Police drive away with the suspect in the back seat after parading him to local media in Pernem

Police drive away with the suspect in the back seat after parading him to local media in Pernem

Within hours of the woman's complaint, police had located and arrested 32-year-old Vincent D'Souza, a former librarian who was part of a criminal group illegally offering massage services to tourists in the area close to Arambol beach (pictured)

Within hours of the woman’s complaint, police had located and arrested 32-year-old Vincent D’Souza, a former librarian who was part of a criminal group illegally offering massage services to tourists in the area close to Arambol beach (pictured)

Police posed for a photo with the alleged rapist at the top of the station steps before leading him down and into the back of a police van. 

The accused is set to appear before a local court next Monday.

‘A lady had come along with officials of the British consulate… they gave a complaint that the lady had been raped by one person who had represented himself as a masseuse and offered to give the lady a mud bath,’ Pernem police official Shobit Saksena said.

A Pernem police official told NDTV earlier this week the alleged victim was lounging on the shores of the Sweet Water Lake along with her partner at the time of the alleged assault, but gave no further details as to how the assault occurred.

Both D’Souza and his alleged victim were taken to the nearby district hospital earlier this week to undergo medical examinations.

Brits made up the second-biggest group of international tourists to Goa in 2018 – the last year of available statistics – with around 295,000 visitors.

Goa has earned a reputation among holidaymakers to India for its stunning beaches and unique atmosphere.

The region remained a colony of Portugal until the 1960s and the local culture and cuisine has been heavily influenced as a result. 



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