Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker have a ‘new thing,’ as teased in the preview for the seventh episode of Hulu’s The Kardashians.
After the sixth episode – entitled This Is a Life Or Death Situation – a brief teaser for the currently-untitled seventh episode featured new scenes.
One of them teased Kourtney and Travis taking part in a, ‘panchakarma cleanse,’ which, as Kourtney succinctly reveals means – ‘No caffeine, no alcohol, no sex.’

New thing: Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker have a ‘new thing,’ as teased in the preview for the seventh episode of Hulu’s The Kardashians

Teaser: After the sixth episode – entitled This Is a Life Or Death Situation – a brief teaser for the currently-untitled seventh episode featured new scenes

Cleanse: ne of them teased Kourtney and Travis taking part in a, ‘panchakarma cleanse,’ which, as Kourtney succinctly reveals means – ‘No caffeine, no alcohol, no sex’
A panchakarma cleanse is a process that can be done over 12, 14, 21 or 28 days, which is a method of Ayurveda, a system of medicine developed in India dating back more than 3,000 years.
While it’s unclear how long the cleanse Kourtney and Travis are taking, the method made headlines in March when Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers underwent a 12-day cleanse.
A WebMD article posted after Rodgers made headlines claimed the 12-day process includes, ‘self-induced vomiting; enemas; ‘nasya,’ which means eliminating toxins through the nose; and even bloodletting in an effort to ‘detoxify’ the blood.’

Cleanse: A panchakarma cleanse is a process that can be done over 12, 14, 21 or 28 days, which is a method of Ayurveda, a system of medicine developed in India dating back more than 3,000 years
However, a Yoga International article about how to do such a cleanse at home, doesn’t mention any of these practices, so it’s unclear what kind of cleanse they’ll be on.
The teaser does show Kourt and Trav at a restaurant with various teas around them and other bowls and plates of food.
The sixth episode also followed Kourtney and Travis continuing their IVF journey as they try to conceive a child together.

Teaser: The teaser does show Kourt and Trav at a restaurant with various teas around them and other bowls and plates of food

IVF: The sixth episode also followed Kourtney and Travis continuing their IVF journey as they try to conceive a child together
They are seen in the episode heading Venice to continue their fertility journey with Dr. Thais Aliabadi (OB-GYN).
‘So our egg retrieval with Dr. Wood didn’t go the way we would’ve hoped,’ Kourtney said in confession.
‘He was able to retrieve the egg, but it didn’t make it to an embryo stage,’ Kourtney added as Travis takes a snap of Kourtney doing an Ultrasound.

Doctor: They are seen in the episode heading Venice to continue their fertility journey with Dr. Thais Aliabadi (OB-GYN)

Egg retrieval: ‘So our egg retrieval with Dr. Wood didn’t go the way we would’ve hoped,’ Kourtney said in confession
She adds in confession they are checking to see how many follicles they have and measures them and sends them to Dr. Wood.
The doctor asks if he has a photo of every time they’ve done this, and Travis says, ‘Every time’ as the doc can’t help but laugh.
She points out a follicle that is looking good, adding, ‘it’s the first time we’ve had it, which was 12 two days ago and 14 right now, ‘which is about the right size for retrieval.’

Follicle: She adds in confession they are checking to see how many follicles they have and measures them and sends them to Dr. Wood

Photo: The doctor asks if he has a photo of every time they’ve done this, and Travis says, ‘Every time’ as the doc can’t help but laugh
Kourtney texts the photo to Dr. Wood as she says this is the best they’ve had thus far, as Kourntey adds in confession that they try to ‘stay in the moment.’
‘It’s nice to hear some good news and hear some positivity, but we wait to hear the final thoughts from Dr. Wood,’ Kourtney adds in confession.

Best: Kourtney texts the photo to Dr. Wood as she says this is the best they’ve had thus far, as Kourntey adds in confession that they try to ‘stay in the moment.

Good news: ‘It’s nice to hear some good news and hear some positivity, but we wait to hear the final thoughts from Dr. Wood,’ Kourtney adds in confession
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