New Jersey restaurant Nettie’s sparks furious debate after banning children under the age of 10


A New Jersey restaurant has sparked furious debate after revealing it was banning children under the age of 10 from dining in. 

Italian restaurant Nettie’s, located in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, has caused a stir on social media after announcing the establishment will no longer serve children under the age of 10. 

In a Facebook post, a staff member revealed that the ban would begin March 8, claiming its decision was due to rowdy children causing safety issues during peak dining times. 

The new policy comes after another woman called for ‘adults only’ suburbs to have ‘peace and quiet’ without any disturbances from children.

Despite the growing calls for more strict no-kids rules to be enacted, the restaurant’s announcement has come under fierce criticism from many parents, triggering heated discussion about the controversial policy. 

New Jersey restaurant Nettie’s sparks furious debate after banning children under the age of 10

A New Jersey restaurant (pictured) has sparked furious debate after revealing they are banning children under the age of 10 from dining

Italian restaurant Nettie's, located in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, has caused a stir on social media

Italian restaurant Nettie’s, located in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, has caused a stir on social media

In a Facebook post, a staff member revealed that the ban would begin March 8, claiming its decision was due to rowdy children causing safety issues

In a Facebook post, a staff member revealed that the ban would begin March 8, claiming its decision was due to rowdy children causing safety issues

‘It’s been extremely challenging to accommodate children at Nettie’s. Between noise levels, lack of space for high chairs, cleaning up crazy messes, and the liability of kids running around the restaurant, we have decided that it’s time to take control of the situation,’ the post read.

‘This wasn’t a decision that was made lightly, but some recent events have pushed us to implement this new policy. As of March 8, the day we return from our winter break, we will no longer allow children under 10 to dine in the restaurant.

‘We know that this is going to make some of you very upset, especially those of you with very well-behaved kids, but we believe this is the right decision for our business moving forward. Thank you for understanding.’ 

The announcement prompted major backlash from many diners. 

Social media users claimed its new policy was ‘disgusting’ as others claimed it was a ‘fatal business decision.’ 

‘Since you forgot – we were all children once. Why not ask the non-supervising parents to leave instead of punishing an entire class of patrons?’ one diner said.

‘A fatal business decision. As evidenced by your removal of comments on the anti human post.’ 

Others added they would no longer be visiting the restaurant for a plate of pasta because of the new rule. 

‘This won’t work well for you. I liked your restaurant. I never brought my 8 year old son. But every time I’m there children are well behaved. I enjoyed seeing kids there with their parents. I won’t be going to your establishment anymore,’ one social media user wrote. 

‘Good luck staying open with only angry know (sic) nothings who hate kids to support your business,’ another user said. 

Despite the growing calls for strict no kids rules to be enacted more, the restaurant's announcement has come under fierce criticism

Despite the growing calls for strict no kids rules to be enacted more, the restaurant’s announcement has come under fierce criticism

Some diners have even taken to Yelp to leave the Italian eatery a bad review based on its new policy. 

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Leaving a one-star review, one person wrote: ‘The restaurant is starting a new policy of banning kids under 10 years old in March. Very discriminating.’ 

And while many restaurant-goers had negative thoughts about the new rule, others praised Nettie’s for enacting the policy. 

One diner said it was a ‘fantastic’ idea, while others said they would be making the trip to New Jersey just for an adults-only dining experience. 

‘Fantastic idea… having worked in the industry since I was 14, I’ve never seen anything like I have in the recent past. Kids are out of control and most parents are oblivious. The disregard for manners and common decency is unreal. I worked in FH and was disgusted by the behavior. Good for you for taking a stand.’ one diner wrote. 

‘I think it’s a good policy. And for the record, I have kids, grown now, and still agree with this,’ another social media user added. 

Many diners said they ‘agreed’ with the eatery and ‘supported it.’ 

One user wrote: ‘For everyone saying that they should “reprimand” the parents and have them tell their kids to behave, it is not the responsibility of a restaurant employee to have to tell an adult how to parent.’  

And while many restaurant-goers had negative thoughts about the new rule, others praised Nettie's for enacting the policy

And while many restaurant-goers had negative thoughts about the new rule, others praised Nettie’s for enacting the policy

Another diner added: ‘Clearly the majority of this thread hasn’t tripped over a child that jumped out from under a table then dropped a 400° plate fresh from the oven on said child. Uncontrolled children are a hazard to all. Order take out and let them terrorize your own home.’

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‘Due to your new policy on children, I intend to fly to NJ to eat at your restaurant. Well done,’ someone else said.

It isn’t the first time someone has made their stance about children clear. 

Former Love Island star Olivia Atwood, 31, revealed she believed kids should be banned from all weddings. 

In a clip from the Private Parts podcast, hosted by Jamie Laing, she revealed she would not be allowing any children at her wedding with her 29-year-old fiancé, Bradley Deck.

‘The kids at wedding thing, for me, is absolutely unacceptable. Even if I had my own children, I wouldn’t invite them,’ she said.

The star admitted that although she doesn’t have children and doesn’t understand the close love and bond, she still doesn’t believe kids should attend weddings. 

Her views sparked many listeners to become enraged as many said that a wedding should be filled with everyone you love, while others claimed they were parents and had no interest in bringing kids to weddings.


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