Mum slammed after revealing she feeds her baby ‘like he’s a chicken’ throwing snacks on the ground


Mum slammed after revealing she feeds her baby ‘like he’s a chicken’ by throwing snacks on the ground

  • A mum has left the internet divided after revealing how she feeds her baby
  • She throws snacks on the floor like she is ‘feeding chickens’, says he loves it 
  • Some people said she shouldn’t have children if she can’t look after them well 

A young mum has been slammed after sharing a video of herself feeding her baby son ‘like he is a chicken’ by throwing snacks on the floor.

Posting the video to TikTok the US-based mum explained she uses the controversial feeding method when she is feeling sick, as it keeps the youngster entertained.

‘Hey baby, eat the snacks,’ she cooed at her young son as he rolled around on the floor.

Mum slammed after revealing she feeds her baby ‘like he’s a chicken’ throwing snacks on the ground

A mum has been slammed after revealing she throws food on the floor for her baby

‘He loves it,’ she said, sprinkling more onto the carpet.

The video went viral, earning the mum millions of likes – but not everyone was on board.

‘She’s literally feeding her baby off the f***ing ground how is that okay bc she’s sick… don’t be a mom if u can’t take care of it,’ one woman said.


Is it okay to throw food on the ground for your baby?

  • Yes, they eat off the ground anyway! 3 votes
  • No, it is horrific. 10 votes

‘Floors harbour dangerous bacteria, so you really need a proper mat to do this on, not just your dirty carpet,’ said another.

‘How lazy are you?’ asked a third. 

The mum called it ‘survival mode’ and other mothers were quick to back her up.

‘These comments show how many people have never been sick and left alone to look after their child,’ one woman said.

‘It is a great way to keep him mobile and busy,’ added a second.

The mum said her baby loves the game - and is always keen to fetch the snacks

The mum said her baby loves the game – and is always keen to fetch the snacks 

While a third joked: ‘He is a free-range, grass-fed baby.’ 

Some mums said their kids always pour their food on the floor anyway, and applauded the woman for cutting out the middle man. 

But other mums said they have been sick and left alone with their kids and never thrown food on the floor for them.


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