MEGHAN MCCAIN: Texans don’t need a two-bit, washed up politician like Beto hijacking their horror


There are certain politicians in America who exist in a vacuum on Twitter.

They continually lose elections, have no actual power to speak of in their home state or Washington D.C., and survive off clicks, retweets and attention mongering.

Beto O’Rourke is Exhibit A.

Yesterday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott was holding a news conference in Uvalde, Texas when Beto decided to interrupt the event that included local leaders, law enforcement and representatives of the community-at-large.

As we all are tragically aware, there was a horrific shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde that left 19 children and two adults dead and countless more injured and traumatized.

It is hard to fathom, even after so many shootings in this country, the horror that is the massacre of children.

But despite all that – Beto stood up and approached the stage and told Abbott, ‘This is on you. You said this was not predictable. This is totally predictable when you choose not to do anything.’

You can watch the spectacle on YouTube and see the absolute circus scene that Beto caused.

You can also hear officials on stage calling O’Rourke an ‘a**hole’ and a ‘sick son of a bitch.’

MEGHAN MCCAIN: Texans don’t need a two-bit, washed up politician like Beto hijacking their horror

You can watch the spectacle on YouTube and see the absolute circus scene that Beto O’Rourke (above) caused.

He is not, however, justified in making a news conference about a community, which has just experienced one of the worst school slaughters in our history about him.

He is not, however, justified in making a news conference about a community, which has just experienced one of the worst school slaughters in our history about him.

Now I believe that Beto, who is running a gubernatorial campaign against Governor Abbott, is entitled to his opinion in the appropriate time and space.

He is not, however, justified in making a news conference about a community, which has just experienced one of the worst school slaughters in our history about him.

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This is not a partisan or political moment.

This is not about showboating for the cameras, getting follows on Twitter and shares on Instagram, which was clearly Beto’s intention.

This is about the families who lost children and how they will be impacted the rest of their lives.

This is about one of the greatest of American tragedies.

I know there are many people on social media applauding Beto, but remember, as Dave Chapelle once said ‘Twitter is not a real place.’

I found the entire stunt to be a cheap political ploy, disrespectful to the victims and their families, the community of Uvalde and completely missing the point of the moment.

People need to grieve, heal and yes, look for solutions.

They don’t need two-bit, washed-up politicians creating a circus in their hometown.

This particular species of political animal exists on both sides on the political spectrum and they have become a sort of side show phenomenon of modern politics.

Many times their egos are stroked by the attention and their sense of value is pumped-up, and often they are too obtuse in their thinking to understand that ‘Twitter is not a real place.’

I pray -- yes, I still believe in the power of prayer no matter how much Twitter wants to shame you for it -- for the victims and their families. (Above) Two family members of one of the victims killed in Tuesday's shooting at Robb Elementary School comfort each other during a prayer vigil in Uvalde, Texas, Wednesday, May 25, 2022

I pray — yes, I still believe in the power of prayer no matter how much Twitter wants to shame you for it — for the victims and their families. (Above) Two family members of one of the victims killed in Tuesday’s shooting at Robb Elementary School comfort each other during a prayer vigil in Uvalde, Texas, Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Twitter accolades, cable news attention mean next to nothing. What matters are voters, constituents, and local issues.

Outgoing one-term, flame-out Congressman Madison Cawthorn learned this lesson the hard way last week, when he lost his primary race.

Former House Majority leader Eric Cantor learned this before him.

And if Stacey Abrams hasn’t realized it yet – because the sycophants in the national media are too afraid to tell her — she hasn’t been elected to anything.

Beto has lost a Senate election, a presidential election and is well on his way to losing his gubernatorial election in Texas.

He was at best a forgettable congressman when he served and at worst a wasted opportunity.

No matter what social media tells you, Beto is not a successful, inspirational, or powerful politician.

He is a Twitter star, a cable news commodity and fantastic at getting press attention.

All things that would make him a good television host, which is probably the vocation that he should have pursued as opposed to spending giant sums of money on campaigns destined to fail.

Remember, this is the man whose picture was splashed across the cover of Vanity Fair with the line ‘I’m just born to be in it’ as if he was predestined for power.

Now all of this is pretty on par when it comes to political and media figures with over-inflated egos.

But what I cannot understand is why Beto thought it would be tonally appropriate during a time of national crisis and mourning to pull a cheap, bombastic, political stunt.

All of our hearts are collectively broken and I am truly hoping this will be a breaking point when it comes to legislation concerning how we address mental health in schools in this country, background checks when it comes to purchasing guns and a true awakening on Capitol Hill that we cannot live in a country where this happens at all, let alone so frequently. 

These are our darkest of times.

I pray — yes, I still believe in the power of prayer no matter how much Twitter wants to shame you for it — for the victims and their families.

I pray for the community of Uvalde and I pray for America.

We are failing the children of America and it is an absolute disgrace.

Now more than ever before it is time for us to come together in a bipartisan fashion to find solutions.

But Beto couldn’t put his ego aside and instead made it all about him and his campaign.

The people of Texas deserve much better. This was intended to create attention and not solutions.

According to the latest University of Texas at Tyler poll, Beto O’Rourke is getting 39% of the vote and Governor Greg Abbott is at 46%. Governor Abbott will easily be re-elected, this is not a close race.

All I can hope is that after what will be another spectacular defeat in November, Beto finally gets a job as a CNN or MSNBC contributor where he belongs and leaves the governing to those who take the job seriously.


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