Killer was lying in wait with a tiny silver hatchback as Yusuf Nazlioglu parked his car in Rhodes


Killer was lying in wait with a tiny silver hatchback as Yusuf Nazlioglu parked his car in Rhodes

A jury found Yusuf Nazlioglu (pictured) not guilty of Comanchero boss Mick Hawi’s execution in 2018 

A killer waited in the basement of a carpark for a bikie to park his black Mercedes before spraying the man with bullets – in front of his horrified new wife.

Yusuf Nazlioglu was raced to Sydney‘s Westmead Hospital about 6.30pm on Monday with about ten bullet wounds after the unidentified killer opened fire in the parking complex under his apartment in Rhodes, in the city’s west.

Daily Mail Australia understands the gunman was waiting in a silver hatchback for Nazlioglu to get out of the car before he unleashed on the underworld figure. 

Nazlioglu’s wife frantically rang police. The pair married just months ago.

Police confirmed the 40-year-old died in hospital about 7.15am on Tuesday. 

A black Mercedes with a large bullet hole in a window on the driver’s side was towed from the carpark on Tuesday morning. 

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Nazlioglu's wife  (pictured together) frantically rang police. The pair married just months ago

Nazlioglu’s wife  (pictured together) frantically rang police. The pair married just months ago

Police towed a black Mercedes from the carpark on Tuesday morning. The car had a large bullet hole

Police towed a black Mercedes from the carpark on Tuesday morning. The car had a large bullet hole

All eight levels of the parking lot were closed to residents until about 11.30am, when detectives left the scene holding a brown bag filled with evidence.

The silver hatchback was set on fire a few streets away from the shooting.

Detective Superintendent Martin Hayston said detectives believe the attack was ‘targeted’.

‘The person who approached the 40-year-old male and shot him clearly was there to do that, there is various lines of inquiry underway in relation to motive,’ he said.

Footage showed police sprinting down the ramp of the carpark after Nazlioglu’s wife raised the alarm.

Multiple paramedics could be seen walking through the complex, before a heavily bandaged man was stretchered out of the building.

Yusuf Nazlioglu is pictured with his wife in April. The couple got married in January

Yusuf Nazlioglu is pictured with his wife in April. The couple got married in January

Yusuf Nazlioglu proposed to his new wife with an enormous diamond ring - just months before he was gunned down

Yusuf Nazlioglu proposed to his new wife with an enormous diamond ring – just months before he was gunned down

Pictured: The former bikie's black Mercedes, being towed from the residential carpark on Tuesday

Pictured: The former bikie’s black Mercedes, being towed from the residential carpark on Tuesday

Paramedics treat the former Lone Wolf bikie shot in Sydney's inner west on Monday as police watch on (pictured)

Paramedics treat the former Lone Wolf bikie shot in Sydney’s inner west on Monday as police watch on (pictured) 

The building includes a shopping centre, apartments and basement carpark.

Plain-clothed detectives arrived at the scene throughout Tuesday morning, as the investigation into the senseless killing continues.

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One man who lives over the road from the car park where the underworld figure was murder told Daily Mail Australia he had his balcony door open when gunshots were fired, but didn’t hear a thing.

‘There’s a loud motorbike in that car park that I always hear, but last night I didn’t hear gunshots or anything.

‘It must have been pretty stealthy.

‘I realised something happened when the riot squad turned up with five or six police cars.’

When asked how he felt about a shooting so close to his home, the young man said ‘I don’t really care.’

‘They’re all gangs – obviously they’re being targeted for a reason,’ – but he declined to be named for fear of repercussions. 

Emergency crews responded to reports of a shooting in Rhodes (pictured) about 7pm with Nazlioglu rushed to hospital

Emergency crews responded to reports of a shooting in Rhodes (pictured) about 7pm with Nazlioglu rushed to hospital 

The carpark in Rhodes was blocked off by police on Tuesday morning. All eight levels of the complex were closed

The carpark in Rhodes was blocked off by police on Tuesday morning. All eight levels of the complex were closed

Nazlioglu was charged with murder after Hawi, the ex-kingpin of the Comanchero bikie gang who was he gunned down as he climbed into his luxury four-wheel-drive outside a Fitness First gym in Rockdale in Sydney’s south in 2018.

He was found not guilty but had another brush with the law when he pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm.

The underworld figure was sentenced to three years in prison and walked free in September 2021. 

Haunting covert recordings played in court during his sentencing revealed that Nazlioglu knew he was a marked man.

‘I used to hear people outside were going to knock me, yeah?’ he said while inside Sydney’s Silverwater Prison in 2020, the Daily Telegraph reported.

‘I used to still leave my house, brother, knowing that one day someone’s going to sneak up on me and put one in my head.

‘But I still f*****g went to the same hairdresser, went to the same f*****g restaurants yeah. I still showed my face in front yard and hung out with boys at their porches at their houses, yeah knowing I’m gunna get knocked one day.’

Bodies have been piling up in the Harbour City in the past 18 months with at least a dozen contract killings linked to the bitter feud between the Hamzy and Alameddine crime clans

Bodies have been piling up in the Harbour City in the past 18 months with at least a dozen contract killings linked to the bitter feud between the Hamzy and Alameddine crime clans

The Australian that was raised by Turkish parents even bragged that he still visits the same mosque ‘where all our enemies know we pray’.

‘They could wait for us to walk out brother, did we s**t ourselves? Were we scared? No.’

While Nazlioglu was found not guilty by a jury of the hit on Hawi, his friend, furniture removalist Ahmad Doudar, 40, was jailed for four-and-a-half years.

Father-of-one Doudar was sentenced after admitting to being an accessory after the fact to Hawi’s murder.

Doudar’s role in the crime involved him picking up a hidden silver Aurion with a tow truck and intending to dispose of it, alongside others, the court heard. 

Justice Robert Allan Hulme said on sentencing that ‘(Mr Doudar) intended to assist in disposing of the vehicle in order to assist’ in the murder.

Nazlioglu, then 39, and alleged getaway driver Jamal El-Jaidi, then 32, were both found not guilty by a jury, following a week of deliberations. 

Police responded after being called to Walker Street Rhodes after shots were fired (pictured)

Police responded after being called to Walker Street Rhodes after shots were fired (pictured) 

A basement carpark on Walker Street is searched by officers (pictured)

A basement carpark on Walker Street is searched by officers (pictured) 

Doudar, who accepted their involvement in the crime when making his plea, was not called to give evidence at their trial. 

In sentencing Doudar for being an accessory, the judge said murders like this ‘do not happen by chance… they require the involvement of multiple people.’  

Doudar’s motive remains unknown. ‘For all I know, Mr Doudar may have been motivated by one or more other purposes,’ the judge said.

Hawi’s wife, Carolina Gonzalez, sister Zeinab and parents Ahmad and Nahdi read statements at his sentencing hearing.

They gave ‘very moving accounts of the loss and grief that has resulted from the taking of their loved one in the most horrendous of circumstances.’

Doudar was jailed with a non parole period of three years and four months while Nazlioglu and El-Jaidi walked free.

Former Comanchero boss Mick Hawi  (pictured) was gunned down outside a Rockdale gym

Former Comanchero boss Mick Hawi  (pictured) was gunned down outside a Rockdale gym 


AUGUST 29, 2020 – Fares Abounader, a Comanchero bikie was shot dead in a drive-by attack as his wife and young child were inside their Panania house.

OCTOBER 4, 2020 – Shaylin Zreika – an associate of the Alameddines – is beaten with a metal bar in a street fight in Strathfield

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OCTOBER 18, 2020 – Rafat Alameddine’s former home is shot up in a drive-by shooting

OCTOBER 19, 2020 – Mejid Hamzy is shot dead in Condell Park

JANUARY 30, 2021 – Mustafa Naaman is shot dead in Hurstville in a suspected mistaken identity attack on Ibrahem Hamze

JANUARY 30, 2021 – Mejed Derbas is shot dead in Smithfield

FEBRUARY 15, 2021 – Bilal Hamze’s mother Maha Hamze comes under gunfire again in another drive-by shooting at her home in Auburn

MARCH 12, 2021 – A home linked to the Alameddine family in Guildford is shot up

AUGUST 6, 2021 – Alameddine low-level associate Shady Kanj is shot in Chester Hill and found dead by police in Guildford

AUGUST 14, 2021 – Police foil alleged gangland hit on Ibrahem Hamze when they spot stolen Mercedes in North Sydney

OCTOBER 20, 2021 – Salim and Toufik Hamze are gunned down outside their home in Guildford

NOVEMBER 10, 2021 – Drive-by shooting at Guildford home of Alameddine associate. No-one is hurt

JANUARY 6, 2022 – Brother of Bassam Hamzy, Ghassan Amoun, is shot dead at 35 years of age in a brazen daylight execution as he sat in a BMW outside an apartment building in Western Sydney.

APRIL, 4, 2022 – Mahmoud ‘Brownie’ Ahmad aka ‘Mr Big’ is gunned down in a hail of bullets – after being warned by police that he had a million-dollar bounty on his head for his role in deadly shooting in Greenacre.

MAY 10, 2022 – Comanchero bikies with links to the Alameddine clan, Tarek Zahed and his brother Omar were shot at while training at a gym in Auburn. Omar died at the seen while Tarek miraculously survived after being shot 10 times including in the face.

MAY 14: Rami Iskander, 23, was shot in the torso in front of his pregnant wife and two-year-old child at his home on Knox Street at Belmore just before 4am on Saturday. He is the nephew of Brownie Ahmad

MAY 15: NSW Police launch Strikeforce Erebus to try and tackle the growing problem of gang violence with the Australian Federal Police and intelligence agencies partnering with state cops to stop the bloodshed.

JUNE 28: Former Lone Wolf bikie Yusuf Nazlioglu dies in hospital a day after he is hit by 10 bullets in a Rhodes underground carpark


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