Joe Biden is branded ‘creepy’ for peering through window at Nantucket restaurant


January 2015: Biden is pictured kissing the head of Mitch McConnell’s young niece as her uncle is sworn in as Senate Majority Leader

January 2015: The then-Vice President is pictured leaning in close to speak with the young daughter of Democrat Senator Chris Coons 

February 2015: Biden is caught on camera touching Stephanie Carter as her husband, Ashton, was sworn in as Secretary of Defense.  

The photo led Biden to be dubbed ‘Creepy Joe’ and Creepy Veep’ in a Telegraph article published just days later. 

Mrs Carter later said of the photo that it had been ‘misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends’. 

Joe Biden is branded ‘creepy’ for peering through window at Nantucket restaurant

Biden is caught on camera touching Stephanie Carter as her husband, Ashton, was sworn in as Secretary of Defense

 March 2019: Former Nevada state assemblywoman Lucy Flores goes public, accusing Biden of inappropriately kissing and touching her at a 2014 event

April 2019: D.J. Hill comes out claiming Biden made her feel ‘very uncomfortable’ when he touched her in Minneapolis in 2012

April 2019: Caitlyn Caruso claims Biden gave her a hug that lasted ‘just a little bit too long’ when she was a teenage student attending an event devoted to sexual assault in 2016

April 2019: Biden addressed the claims of inappropriate touching in a video, stating:  ‘I always try to be in my career, always tried to make a human connection. 

‘That’s my responsibility, I think. I shake hands, I hug people. I grab men and women by the shoulders and say you can do this, whether they’re women, men, young, old. It’s the way I’ve always been and tried to show that I care about them and I’m listening.’

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May 2019: Biden tells a 10-year-old girl: ‘I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good looking’ 

March 2020: Former Senate staffer Tara Reade accuses Biden of sexually assaulting her in a hallway in 1993. He vigorously denies the allegation.

May 2020: Biden gave his teen granddaughter a kiss on the lips while giving a speech at a campaign trail event ahead of the Iowa caucuses  

October 2020: Biden told a group of underage female dancers: ‘I’m coming back and I want to see these beautiful young ladies, I want to see them dancing when they are four years older too!’

May 2021: Biden told an elementary-aged girl that she ‘looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed’ during a speech at a Virginia military base 

October 2022: Biden appeared to grab a teenage girl by the shoulders and tell her, ‘no serious guys till you’re 30,’ while posing for a picture at a California community college


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