Jackie ‘O’ Henderson is confronted on air by woman she swore at in road-rage incident


Radio host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson has been confronted on-air by a woman who stole her parking spot over the weekend.

During Tuesday’s Kyle and Jackie O Show, the 47-year-old recalled how she was driving around a parking lot with her daughter Kitty, 11, in the passenger seat when a woman dared to cross her.

To her surprise, a woman who claimed to be the driver called into the show the following day. 

Jackie ‘O’ Henderson is confronted on air by woman she swore at in road-rage incident

Radio host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson, 47, (pictured) has been confronted on-air by a woman who stole her parking spot over the weekend

At first Jackie wasn’t convinced that the woman, who went by the name Tracy, was really the driver, but when she was able to provide accurate details of the incident, Jackie was sold. 

Little did Jackie know that ‘Tracy’ was actually an actress hired by the KIIS FM team as part of the show’s ‘Only Lying’ segment. 

Kicking off the argument, Tracy declared: ‘You know, it’s ‘first in, best dressed’. The carpark doesn’t belong to you. I can drive wherever I want to.’ 

During Tuesday's Kyle and Jackie O Show, Jackie recalled how she was driving around a parking lot with her daughter Kitty, 11, in the passenger seat when a woman dared to cross her

During Tuesday’s Kyle and Jackie O Show, Jackie recalled how she was driving around a parking lot with her daughter Kitty, 11, in the passenger seat when a woman dared to cross her

The driver, who went by the name Tracy, lashed out at Jackie, saying: 'You know, it's 'first in, best dressed'. The carpark doesn't belong to you. I can drive wherever I want to'

The driver, who went by the name Tracy, lashed out at Jackie, saying: ‘You know, it’s ‘first in, best dressed’. The carpark doesn’t belong to you. I can drive wherever I want to’ 

Furious, Jackie hit back: ‘The carpark doesn’t belong to you! You were going down the wrong way. You jumped the queue!’ 

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‘Who cares? Do you do everything right, all the time?’ Tracy replied. 

Co-host Kyle Sandilands began chuckling as Jackie raised her voice in anger.  

Little did Jackie know that 'Tracy' was actually an actress hired by the KIIS FM team as part of the show's 'Only Lying' segment

Little did Jackie know that ‘Tracy’ was actually an actress hired by the KIIS FM team as part of the show’s ‘Only Lying’ segment

‘No, but clearly you are so arrogant that you don’t care that someone else was waiting before you. You were happy to drive down the wrong way and steal someone’s spot!’ Jackie raged.

The women went back and forth for some time, before Tracy suddenly blurted out: ‘Only lying!’  

Jackie had recalled the heated road rage incident at length during Tuesday’s show, telling listeners: ‘I was taking Kitty to see a concert and in the car park you could not get a park.’ 

‘Like, everyone was circling around. Finally I found one, this car was leaving, and this other chick comes the wrong way down the street, sees the park and goes straight in.’ 

Jackie said she had already claimed the spot by putting her indicator on, and was baffled by the woman’s brazen manoeuvre.

‘She pulls in, and she just looks at me and she grabs a French fry and tosses it in the air, catches it in her mouth and stares at me while eating it. Oh, my God,’ Jackie said.

‘I wanted a gun at that point. I wouldn’t have used it, but I wanted it to threaten her,’ she joked, adding: ‘So I wound down the window and, God, did she cop it.’ 

‘Did you give her a mouthful?’ her co-host Kyle Sandilands gasped. 

‘Well, first of all, as she was getting out of the car, I said, “Excuse me, you’ve gone down the wrong way. You’re parked in the wrong way.” And she pretended she couldn’t hear me,’ Jackie explained. 

‘And I said, “Oh, what, are you f**king deaf now, are you?” She looked at me and I called her a f**king b***h.’

Jackie revealed her young daughter witnessed her foul-mouthed tirade. 

Jackie revealed her young daughter Kitty (left) witnessed her foul-mouthed tirade

Jackie revealed her young daughter Kitty (left) witnessed her foul-mouthed tirade 

Kitty happened to be in the recording studio as Jackie was recounting the incident, and Kyle invited her to give her version of events.

Speaking softly into the microphone, Kitty repeated the profanities her mother had screamed during the outburst. 

Kyle said to Jackie: ‘Now, this is parenting 101, where they mimic what they see.’ 

‘Now, next time someone cuts in front of you at the tuck-shop line at school, you know what to say,’ he joked. 

Kyle Sandilands (pictured) gasped as Jackie revealed how she called the woman driver 'a f**king b***h' and fantasised about threatening her with a gun

Kyle Sandilands (pictured) gasped as Jackie revealed how she called the woman driver ‘a f**king b***h’ and fantasised about threatening her with a gun


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