Humberside Police looking for Robert Rimmer found appeal comments from admirers said ‘stunning’


A very wanted man! Police hunting drugs suspect are flooded with messages from swooning admirers after issuing ‘stunning’ mugshot

  • Admirers flood police appeal with comments about ‘handsome’ suspect 
  • Humberside Police are looking for 36-year-old Robert Rimmer 
  • Some eager eyed women commented on the suspect’s toned and tanned body
  • Officers are keen to speak to him about drug offences in Yorkshire

Police who put out an appeal for a wanted criminal have been flooded with messages from smitten admirers saying ‘we are looking for him too.’   

The mugshot of 36-year-old Robert Rimmer, who is wanted for drug-related offences, has attracted hundreds of comments, mainly from people hoping to catch him first.

A plea for information about the fugitive from Humberside Police urged the public not to approach Rimmer, who has links to Hull, Cheshire, Liverpool and Blackpool.

While police may have been hopeful to find useful and important information on his whereabouts they were faced with a fan club of admirers.

Many women claimed they may not tell the police where the criminal is if they found out over his tanned and toned physique.       

Some admirers claimed to be eager to get involved with the police's search

Some admirers claimed to be eager to get involved with the police’s search 

Within minutes of CheshireLive publishing an article on Rimmer this morning, a reader commented to describe him as ‘stunning’.

Many said they want to find the man before the police and that they would not mind finding him first. 

One woman wrote: ‘ I wouldn’t mind approaching him’ and another wrote: ‘So… handsome, gym bod and his own business? Haha.’

A lovestruck woman said: ‘If I find him can I keep him finders keepers and all.’

Another quipped: ‘He can come hide in my house no problem’ while another Facebook user wrote: ‘If I see him*. I won’t let you know.’

And a misty-eyed admirer added: ‘Wanted: yes indeed. Oooft!’ while another offered her services to the police, saying: ‘I’d help look for him.’

One woman replied: ‘I live in Hull, I will defo keep my eyes out for him.’

The 36-year-old from Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester is wanted in connection with drug-related offences in East Yorkshire. 

Louloudrops35 wrote: ‘I wouldn’t mind knowing where he is either’. This is followed by the tweeter saying he is fire using emoticons. 

A spokesman said: ‘Officers are keen to speak to him in connection with an ongoing investigation into drugs related offences in our area.

‘If you see him, or know where he is, please do not approach him but instead call us immediately on our non-emergency 101 line.’

The wanted man is said to have connections in Liverpool, Chester and Hull.

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This is not the first time the public have highlighted  and focused on a criminal’s good looks. It’s not just the men who have gained attention over their good genetics. 



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