Not feeling worthy or good enough does not only affects your daily routine it also takes a toll on your relationships with the people who love and adore you. Thus, you should pay attention to the ways in which you can build your self-esteem.


It is quite normal for every one of us to have those days where we are lazy and nothing seems to be on our side. According to the best psychiatrist in Karachi, it is common and quite normal to feel this from time to time but if you are feeling insecure every day and it is not getting any better then it is a big red alarming sign. It is a sign that you need therapy or help and you should get it as soon as possible.




Given below are some common signs of insecurity and low self-esteem that you should know about:


  • You are a people pleaser
  • You are unable to say no
  • You think you are not enough
  • You continuously compare yourself with others and the things that they have but you don’t
  • You have zero confidence in your capabilities
  • You are self-conscious of how you look
  • You think you repel people
  • You are drawn to those who do not love themselves
  • You do not treat people in the right manner


Here are some ways in which you can build great self-esteem and can boost your self-confidence.


Selfcare- Take Good Care of Yourself


One of the most premium things that everyone should pay attention to but they often fail is self-care. The plethora of things such as job pressure, academic lifestyle, and stress of every day can make it quite difficult for you to take care of yourself. But let us assure you all that it is as important as the above-mentioned things.

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Certain habits such as not paying attention to sleeping, not eating right, dehydration, and constant stress can throw you under the bus. Several experts have commented on the importance of giving time to yourself and celebrating your body. You should try to run or engage in a good physical activity, treat yourself to a good meal and read a book, all these things summarize that you are able to celebrate your isolation.


Pay Attention to Your Triggers


You have to pay attention to the things that trigger your anxiety or insecurities. Even if you have a lot of great stuff in your life, you can still feel a void that is unexplainable and just too much for you to figure out. This void can be because of the fact that you are not living your life in the manner that you are supposed to.


Thus try to figure out what you really want in life and then work on it. Try to build yourself by engaging in more healthy activities and living a life that is for you. Make sure to give yourself room to feel vulnerable every now and then. But working on yourself is something that is bound to make all the difference in the world.


Be the Reason for Your Own Good


One of the prime things that you can do to figure out what is right for you is by doing those things that really make difference for you and are the reason for your serotonin boost.

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When you are not comfortable doing stuff that defines you, you end up doing stuff that everyone else is doing just so that you can be a part of the bigger picture. This can be quite disastrous for you as you are sabotaging yourself by not paying attention to what really matters and what does not.


Try to say no to things that are not exciting and you do not want to do, this way you can work on yourself by doing those things that are really worthy of your time and space.


Learn to Accept the Fact that You are Not Perfect


Do you remember these days when you are not okay with your body? And you have issues with pimples and how your nose looked and all this type of stuff? Well every one of us has these types of days when we think that they are not enough.


But remember that this is all just a phase and nothing else. With the passage of time, you will enter a phase in your life when you are no longer resistant to the way you look. Because that is the time when you become more accepting of the ways how you look.


This is because with the passage of time people start accepting their flaws with an open heart. You should have a strong acceptance of yourself so that nothing bothers you anymore.


Make sure to learn all these above-mentioned ways so that you are able to work. On building higher self-esteem for yourself.

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