How billionaire George Soros funded NYC’s woke DA Alvin Bragg to the tune of million


The Manhattan district attorney supposedly preparing to arrest Donald Trump for allegedly hiding hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels received $1million from a political action committee funded by billionaire George Soros. 

Alvin Bragg, who was elected Manhattan DA in November 2021, had been involved in numerous investigations into Trump and his family before being sworn in last year, even bragging he had sued Trump ‘more than 100 times’ while serving in the NY Attorney General’s Office. 

While campaigning to become the next Manhattan DA, he received more than $1million in support from the Color Of Change PAC, a racial justice group which receives funding from Soros, a Hungarian-born billionaire financier-turned American  mega donor. 

Half of that money was clawed back by Color of Change after an unidentified woman made an unspecified allegation against him (Bragg told at the time that he’d done nothing wrong).  

How billionaire George Soros funded NYC’s woke DA Alvin Bragg to the tune of million

George Soros has reportedly sunk at least $40million into electing liberal district attorneys

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is one of at least 75 liberal district attorneys who have received millions in funding from George Soros-backed political action committees

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is one of at least 75 liberal district attorneys who have received millions in funding from George Soros-backed political action committees

Bragg is just one of at least 75 district attorneys Soros has backed in recent years as part of an ongoing campaign to reshape American society in his liberal vision.

In a 2022 op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Soros defended his donations and said the strategies he supports reduce crime, based on the data that he had seen.  

Though Bragg inherited the investigation into Trump over the alleged 2016 hush-money payment, he pursued it with zeal as soon as he was sworn into office. It could be coming to a head as soon as next week, after Trump announced he had been leaked information indicating he would be arrested on Tuesday. 

Over the years Soros has thrown millions behind liberal DAs – either with outright donations or funneled through political action committees – effectively buying elections and leading to the installment of prosecutors who support his leftist agenda.

Soros has spent at least $40million on the project, according to Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros a minuscule sum for a man worth at least $32billion.

The billionaire’s DAs have stripped away bail laws and opted to forgo prosecuting crimes like theft and reckless driving, effectively giving criminals a free pass and leading to the breakdown of law and order across the United States.

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Crime has since soared in major cities overseen by Soros’s DAs. 

In 2021 under Kim Foxx’s reign, Chicago had the most murders it’s seen since 1994. And in Philadelphia, drug use and violent crime has seen a surge since Larry Krasner took office.

Soros has long backed liberal politics. In the 2000s he was an outspoken opponent of President George W. Bush and donated millions to hinder his reelection, and later donated heavily to the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. 

The billionaire has long been outspoken about his disdain for Trump.

As recently as February, he referred to Trump as a ‘pitiful figure… whose ‘narcissism has turned into a disease,’ at the Munich Security Conference. 

Soros has funded the campaigns of dozens of liberal prosecutors across the US. He has defended it, saying America needs to invest less in prisons and more in other strategies that he claims will reduce crime

Soros has funded the campaigns of dozens of liberal prosecutors across the US. He has defended it, saying America needs to invest less in prisons and more in other strategies that he claims will reduce crime 

In a 2022 op-ed for The Wall Street Journal , Soros defended his donations and said the strategies he supports reduce crime, based on the data that he had seen

In a 2022 op-ed for The Wall Street Journal , Soros defended his donations and said the strategies he supports reduce crime, based on the data that he had seen

During that speech, Soros expressed his hopes that Ron DeSantis would win the Republican nomination and lead Trump would in turn run as an independent, which would result in the two candidates dividing the Republican party and leading to a landslide Democrat victory.

Throughout Trump’s presidency, Soros was a constant critic. He warned that Trump’s economic policies would lead to American economic calamity, called him a ‘con man’ shortly after his election victory in 2016, and predicted that infighting among Trump’s cabinet and advisors would lead his administration’s failure.

Bragg had a long history of chasing legal action against Trump. He was a prominent member of the team which sued the Donald J. Trump Foundation in 2018 for misusing the non-profit organization for his own professional and political gain. Trump admitted to the allegation and was ordered to pay at least $2million in restitution to various charities.

Bragg used his track record of going after Trump as a primary selling point during his DA campaign. 

‘I have investigated Trump and his children and held them accountable for their misconduct with the Trump Foundation,’ Bragg said during a Democratic candidate forum during the race. 

‘I know how to follow the facts and hold people in power accountable.’

‘It is a fact that I have sued Trump more than a hundred times,’ he continued.

His opponents during the campaign argued that Bragg’s zeal against Trump was an inappropriate bias for a district attorney.

When Bragg first took office, he famously declined to prosecute Trump over allegations of questionable business practices.

But he leaned into the investigation into the hush-money payment to Daniels that Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen admitted to paying. Cohen plead guilty violating campaign finance laws over the payments in 2018. revealed last year that the million-dollar donation from Soros’ PAC to Bragg was later cut in half after an allegation was made against Bragg, which he strongly denied.

Beyond his focus on Trump, during his tenure as DA Bragg has vowed to reduce penalties for armed robberies, and to no longer prosecute resisting arrest.

He has also let a litany of shoplifting offenses slide. 

Theft from pharmacies, bodegas, and supermarkets in New York City has left store owners locking merchandise to shelves with chains and padlocks.

His lenient policies have tracked with countless other DAs that Soros has propped up with his billions. 

Below are some of his most notorious DAs and their policies.

Kim Foxx: Lenient on gun violent and shoplifting in Chicago

Kim Foxx, DA for Cooks County, Illinois

Kim Foxx, DA for Cooks County, Illinois

The District Attorney for Cooks County, Illinois, Foxx received at least $2million for Soros backed PACS.

Upon taking office Foxx raised the threshold in Chicago for a shoplifting offense in to qualify as a felony from $300 worth of merchandise to $1,000.

With little more to fear than a slap on the wrist for theft, criminals have run rampant in the city and raids on stores have skyrocketed.

Foxx also faced ire from Chicago officials after she refused to prosecute individuals filmed in a daylight shootout, because she characterized the violent crime as a ‘mutual combat’ incident.

Larry Krasner: Lax arrests despite hundreds of murders in Philly

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Philadelphia’s District Attorney, Krasner received about $1.5million from Soros backed groups.

Under his watch at over 1,000 people have been murdered in the City of Brotherly Love.

Despite those staggering numbers, in only 38.5 percent of deadly shootings were any suspects arrested. The other 61.5 percent saw nobody detained.

Kim Gardner, DA for St. Louis, Missouri

Kim Gardner, DA for St. Louis, Missouri

Kim Gardner: Murders reach 50-year high in St. Louis

The St. Louis, Missouri, DA received about $116,000 from Soros backed PACs.

Under her watch, murder in St. Louis his a 50-year high.

George Gascón, DA for Los Angeles County, California

George Gascón, DA for Los Angeles County, California

Despite those numbers, Gardner has charged fewer and fewer felonies. 

George Gascón: Los Angeles’ woke DA

The DA for Los Angeles County, California, was supported by about $4.7million from the Soros-backed California Justice and Public Safety PAC.

Gascón pushed for and secured a host of lax criminal justice reforms since he took office, including stripping away bail for some crimes and adjusting offense thresholds. 

Crime – especially home burglaries – have soared, and even led to ‘crime tourists’ from South America to wealthy communities, and then flea home with their loot once released on lax bail.

Joe Gonzales: Homicides spike 50 percent

DA from Bexar County, Texas, Gonzales received $1million from Soros.

Murders have skyrocketed 50 percent since he took office in 2018, according to The Post.

José Garza, DA from Travis County, Texas

José Garza, DA from Travis County, Texas

José Garza: Vowed to stop ‘over-prosecution’ in Texas

The DA from Travis County, Texas, received about $600,000 from the Soros-backed Texas Justice and Safety PAC.

Garza vowed to end ‘over-prosecution’ of minorities and impoverished residents.

He has also drawn ire from the Austin Police Department for arresting officers for incidents which had been handled through department’s internal process.

John Creuzot: Allows robbery ‘for necessity’ in Dallas

Creuzot was given at least $236,000 from Soros while running for DA from Dallas County, Texas, Creuzot.

 His office doesn’t prosecute theft of ‘personal items’ worth under $750 of the good were ‘stolen out of necessity.’

Steve Descano: Rescinded cash bails for crimes in Virginia

Descano, the DA for Fairfax County, Virginia, received $600,000 in donations from Soros.

He has rescinded cash bails for many crimes, arguing it ‘exacerbates socioeconomic disparities’ and leads to more crime.


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