GOP Senator Tom Cotton claims Dems are INTENTIONALLY turning US into weak country


An Arkansas Senator has charged members of the Democratic Party with intentionally thrusting the country into crime-ridden chaos, thanks to woke policies designed to undermine citizens’ freedoms. 

The controversial claims were aired Sunday in an interview with Republican Tom Cotton, a former soldier who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and senator for Arkansas since 2015.

During the sit down, the 45-year-old politician promoted his upcoming book, Only the Strong: Reversing the Left’s Plot to Sabotage American Power, set to publish next Tuesday.

His book takes aim at the progressive left and what he declares is their decades-long plot to sabotage American power that stems back more than a century.

The interview saw Cotton further proclaim that while some may think the country’s decline is the result of mismanagement, none of the systemic problems are accidental.

Instead, Cotton declares, that decline is ‘intentional’ – and one carefully laid by Democrats by ‘design.’

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GOP Senator Tom Cotton claims Dems are INTENTIONALLY turning US into weak country

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, 48, has charged members of the Democratic Party with intentionally thrusting the country into crime-ridden chaos, thanks to woke policies designed to undermine citizens’ freedoms

The claims were aired Sunday in an interview with Fox News' Mark Levin, in which Cotton, a former soldier who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, promoted his upcoming book that takes aim at the left and what he declares is their decades-long plot to sabotage American power

The claims were aired Sunday in an interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin, in which Cotton, a former soldier who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, promoted his upcoming book that takes aim at the left and what he declares is their decades-long plot to sabotage American power

‘I had so many Americans asking me,’ Cotton told Fox News‘ Mark Levin when asked about the country’s current crime-ridden and economic state, ‘How did we let this happen? How did we lose to a band of medieval savages?’

The senator said the leftist plot was ‘designed to undermine the founding fathers and revamp the Constitution, with amendments that preach schools of thought such as critical race theory and pro transgender teachings and prevent people from speaking out against it.

‘Like, how did we let left wing radicals rampage in our streets in the summer of 2020, tearing down statues of our heroes like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant?’ Cotton begins, referring to the unrest seen in the country after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

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‘How we got to the point where we’re allowing schools to indoctrinate our kids with critical race theory or transgender ideology,’ the senator then adds, visibly upset as he describes the ongoing failures of the powerful political party.

Cotton's book, Only the Strong: Reversing the Left's Plot to Sabotage American Power, is set to publish next Tuesday. The book lays bare a leftist plot to undermine the founding fathers, with amendments that preach things like critical race theory and pro transgender teachings

Cotton’s book, Only the Strong: Reversing the Left’s Plot to Sabotage American Power, is set to publish next Tuesday. The book lays bare a leftist plot to undermine the founding fathers, with amendments that preach things like critical race theory and pro transgender teachings

Cotton goes on to remark on the recent advent of American soldiers being chastised for serving their county by woke progressives who preach non-violence and peaceful solutions to international conflicts. 

Having served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2013 to 2015, the politician equated such treatment to violent public spectacles seen in Maoist China where citizens accused of being ‘class enemies’ were publicly humiliated and at times tortured, often by people they were close to.

According to Cotton, all of these issues are rooted in the rise of leftism, which can be traced to the presidency of early prominent progressive Woodrow Wilson in 1913 – the first president to ‘openly repudiate’ our founding principles and criticize the Constitution, the senator said.

Wilson, a leader of the Progressive Movement, infamously touted the Sedition Act of 1918, which sought to limit free speech, as he worked to bring the country into World War I – a conflict Americans had become increasingly wary of. 

Such censorship and disregard to the American people and the principles which the nation was founded on can still be seen today, Cotton went on to claim, in an increasing amount of classrooms and government offices across the country.

The senator remarked of the current, diminished 'safety on our streets,' where open drug use and homeless encampments have become commonplace, as well as the sad state of our economy, which has been hopelessly embroiled by inflation since Biden took office. Pictured are men smoking fentanyl near City Hall in the Tenderloin District of liberal-run San Francisco

The senator remarked of the current, diminished ‘safety on our streets,’ where open drug use and homeless encampments have become commonplace, as well as the sad state of our economy, which has been hopelessly embroiled by inflation since Biden took office. Pictured are men smoking fentanyl near City Hall in the Tenderloin District of liberal-run San Francisco

Wilson was known to detest criticism of his policies and would subsequently seek to tamp down on such expressions – behavior that has persisted today, Cotton claims, and is more and more apparent in politicians from the progressive party.

The result, the senator claims, is America’s recent decline, which has become increasingly evident through marked rises in crime and homeless in Dem run cities such as San Francisco and New York.

Cotton went on to claim that none of these systemic problems are accidental, and instead are the fruits of an exhaustive ploy from the Democratic Party to slowly rob Americans of their rights and ability to speak out against such injustices.

Cotton claimed that none of these systemic problems are accidental, and instead are the fruits of an exhaustive ploy from the Democratic Party to rob Americans of their rights and ability to speak out against injustices. Pictured is a homeless encampment in LA

Cotton claimed that none of these systemic problems are accidental, and instead are the fruits of an exhaustive ploy from the Democratic Party to rob Americans of their rights and ability to speak out against injustices. Pictured is a homeless encampment in LA

The results of the party's efforts to undermine the constitution can be seen by a recent rise homelessness and open drug-peddling, Cotton said

The results of the party’s efforts to undermine the constitution can be seen by a recent rise homelessness and open drug-peddling, Cotton said

‘This is intentional. The decline that [civilians] sense in America is decline by design,’ Cotton said of the efforts, which have continued over the past century with presidents such as Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and now Joe Biden.

‘The Democratic Party has long been, at best ambivalent about America, and openly hostile to American power, whether it’s our military, our sovereignty,’ Cotton went on, further criticizing politicians that have allowed these issues to take root. 

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The senator remarked on the current, diminished ‘safety on our streets,’ where open drug use and homeless encampments have become commonplace – as well as the sad state of our economy, which has been hopelessly embroiled by inflation since Biden took office.

But the censorship and slow instillation of anti-American values stems back much earlier, Cotton charges in the televised talk, which will air Sunday night on Levin’s primetime program Life, Liberty & Levin – back to Wilson and then incensed by prominent progressives such as John F. Kennedy and Lydon B. Johnson in the 1960s.

The senator said the leftist plot was 'designed to undermine the founding fathers and revamp the Constitution, with amendments that preach schools of thought such as critical race theory and pro transgender teachings and prevent people from speaking out against them

The senator said the leftist plot was ‘designed to undermine the founding fathers and revamp the Constitution, with amendments that preach schools of thought such as critical race theory and pro transgender teachings and prevent people from speaking out against them

‘After you repudiate the founding principles of our country, it’s a very short step to repudiating America itself, which is what the New Left did in the 1960s and the 1970s during Vietnam,’ Cotton remarked.

Now, more than a century after Wilson’s Sedition Act, Cotton said the ‘culmination of trends’ critical of American principles and patriotism came with ex-President Obama, whom he called ‘the most ideological’ in his anti-Americanism since Wilson, citing the increasing number of freedoms robbed from Americans after his years in office.

Cotton referred to Biden as Obama’s ‘understudy,’ and proclaimed that what Americans are experiencing right now in cities all over the country is a direct result of those freedoms being stripped.

Cotton further elaborates on this plot in ‘Only the Strong,’ which he says specifies, in detail,’ how the Left in America today continues to try to sabotage American power.’

Before leaving the sit down, Cotton said of those efforts to transform the US into a woke dystopia: ‘If you love something, you don’t want to fundamentally transform it.’

Only the Strong is set to be released Tuesday. Cotton’s current term as Senator ends on January 3, 2027. 


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