Daniel Andrews introduces a LAW for schools to teach students about white colonisation


Daniel Andrews introduces a LAW instructing schools to teach students about the ‘trauma’ of white colonisation and to mark the day Kevin Rudd said sorry to the Stolen Generation

  • Under new Victorian laws students to learn about ‘trauma’ of white colonisation 
  • Kids of all year levels will also likely participate in events such as ‘Sorry Day’ 
  • The new standards apply to schools and facilities such as hospitals and councils  

Schools will teach kids about the ‘significant trauma’ of white colonisation, commemorate ‘Sorry Day’ and fly the Aboriginal flag under new laws in Victoria. 

Premier Dan Andrews said he expected every school to adopt the reconciliation initiatives and that every year level would take part. 

‘Being reconciled is just that. You can’t be reconciled if you’re not prepared to acknowledge some pretty awful stuff that happened in the past.

‘It’s about making sure that everybody feels equal, everybody feels included and everybody feels safe.’

‘I think it might be the whole school and I don’t see anything wrong with that.’ 



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