A vile man recorded himself hurling racist and homophobic language at a group of U.S. soldiers – while the brave serviceman showed courageous restraint and ignored the abuser.
The horrific clips, posted Wednesday, show the moment four men wearing Army gear with the American flag exercise complete composure after being confronted by the vicious man inside a Polish shopping mall.
The man filming asks the group about whether they are in Poland to spread ‘George Floyd culture,’ and what they think about the U.S. health secretary being a ‘f***ing t****y.’
He then hurls abuse at the black soldier in the group, warning him to ‘stay away from those white women,’ and that ‘miscegenation used to be a crime in your country.’
The man behind the camera – who bizarrely has an American accent – follows up by saying ‘you’re in a white country now, we don’t worship n*****s and Mexicans.’

The man first gets the soldiers’ attention by asking ‘you guys Americans’ in the now-viral video

After the man filming said ‘stay away from those white women’ to the black soldier, one of his friends comforted him by patting him on the back and continuing to move him toward the exit
The horrendous video quickly sparked outrage on social media – with more than one million people watching the Army men show constraint as they were savaged by the passerby in the mall.
In the two and half minute video, the man repeatedly attempt to antagonize and bait the U.S soldiers into responding, using targeted language and questions.
The clip starts with the man approaching the four soldiers and asking ‘you guys Americans?’ to which the men respond ‘yes.’
He then immediately asks the group ‘you guys here to spread sodomy or what? Isn’t that what America’s number one export is?’
The brave group initially laughed off the abuse, and immediately turned their back on him and walked away.
This, however, does not stop the man from hurling insensitive and targeted questions at them, all while they refuse to take his bait.
The group continues walking with their backs to the camera as the man rambles.
He follows his initial sodomy question up by saying ‘what is it, is it George Floyd culture or is it sodomy’ referencing the ‘number one export’ he had previously mentioned.
He later asks ‘are you guys here to spread ‘the anal’ before saying ‘isn’t that what you guys learn in your training?’

The soldiers maintain their composure as they are being confronted by the man in the mall
As the soldiers continue to walk away, the man then attempts to goad them into a response from another angle.
He asks ‘what do you think about your health secretary being a f***ing t****y?’
The unidentified man appears to have been referencing transgender U.S. Health Secretary Rachel Leland Levine.
‘What do you think about defending a country that has no meaning to being a citizen?’ he then asks. ‘Any Mexican crossing the border is literally one of you.’
The men appear to talk amongst themselves, walking in pairs, still ignoring the filming man.

The men all wear U.S. Army brigs with the American flag on them in the video

One of the soldiers appeared frustrated after the man said: ‘you’re in a white country now. We don’t worship n*****s and Mexicans’
As the group approaches the exit of the building, the man decides to try one more approach by making a racially targeted comment at the lone-black member of the group.
‘Keep Poland white,’ the man says to no response.
‘Stay away from those white women. Hey, stay away from those white women.’
The soldier briefly turns around before his friend puts his hand on his back and comforts him, also ushering him toward the exit doors.
After that comment doesn’t work, he then mentions that ‘miscegenation used to be a crime in your country.’
Miscegenation is defined as the the interbreeding of people who are considered to be members of different races.

The soldiers continue to walk together throughout the video and successfully ignore the man

The soldiers appeared in lock step as the man continued to hurl racially and homophobic comments at them throughout the video
In a reply tweet with a second video, the filming man yells at the group: ‘you’re in a white country now, we don’t worship n****** and Mexicans.’
At that point, the man who had been walking with the black soldier began to turn around, looking frustrated at his statements.
The black soldier then comforts him back, patting him and pushing him away.
The video ends with the unidentified cameraman yelling ‘you’re not welcome here, guys,’ as the men leave him behind.

The video ends with the men completely walking away from the man who had followed them
Newsweek recently spoke with U.S. Army’s director of media relations, Terence Kelley, who said the matter is under investigation at this time.
Kelley said officials are investigating the video’s authenticity, as well.
He said: ‘The U.S. Army expects all Soldiers to abide by the Army Values, on duty and off.
‘We commend all Soldiers who demonstrate discipline and restraint when confronted by provocative behavior.’
The responses, or lack thereof, from the soldiers garnered praise from those who came across the Twitter thread.
‘Thank you for posting this. All too often, those service members who choose the harder right over the easier wrong go unrecognized,’ said verified Twitter user Charlotte Clymer.
‘Proud of our boys for keeping their composure,’ wrote another.
‘This is the military I know and served in. I served 22 yrs with people like this. The restraint…the reassurance…in the midst of hate from what sounds like an American or Canadian. THIS IS WHAT WE DO,’ wrote one person.

The men have since been praised by Army officials and social media users for their refusal to engage with the man who was looking for a reaction
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