Australian 2022 federal election: Inside Jackie ‘O’ Henderson’s boozy party with KIIS FM stars


Jackie ‘O’ Henderson toasted to Australia’s political future surrounded by her KIIS FM colleagues at a boozy election party on Saturday night. 

Instagram photos from the VIP-only soiree show Henderson, 47, and fellow radio staffers sitting at a table laden with drinks as Labor leader Anthony Albanese triumphed over Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Henderson was all smiles as she posed for photos at the table, despite sitting next to several staffers who support opposing political parties. 

Australian 2022 federal election: Inside Jackie ‘O’ Henderson’s boozy party with KIIS FM stars

Cheers to democracy! Jackie ‘O’ Henderson, 47, (right) toasted to Australia’s political future surrounded by her KIIS FM colleagues at a boozy election party on Saturday night 

Henderson, who has previously expressed her support for the Morrison administration, was joined at the table by left-leaning news presenter Brooklyn Ross and Albanese-supporter ‘Intern’ Pete Deppeler. 

Also in attendance was producer Jermaine D’Vauz, who earlier this week shared his support for Morrison by performing the Liberal Party’s election tune ‘There’s A Whole In Your Budget’ on Instagram.

Producers Tom Whitaker, ‘Coffee’ John Nicholson, Sam Vallins and former KIIS staffer Pedro Cruz – all of whose political affiliations are unknown –  were also spied in photos from the event. 

Opposition supporter: Henderson, who has previously expressed her support for the Morrison administration, was joined at the table by left-leaning news presenter Brooklyn Ross (pictured recently on Channel 10)

Opposition supporter: Henderson, who has previously expressed her support for the Morrison administration, was joined at the table by left-leaning news presenter Brooklyn Ross (pictured recently on Channel 10) 

However, conspicuously absent from the table was Henderson’s co-host and fellow Morrison supporter Kyle Sandilands. 

Sandilands and Henderson previously revealed they would be voting for Morrison in the 2022 federal election during a radio segment last month.  

‘I feel safe with him. I didn’t even like him at first… now I feel very safe with him,’ Sandilands, who counts Morrison as a friend, declared after speaking to the now former PM about Australia’s involvement in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Rendition: Also in attendance was producer Jermaine D'Vauz, who earlier this week shared his support for Morrison by performing the Liberal Party's election tune 'There's A Whole In Your Budget' on Instagram (pictured)

Rendition: Also in attendance was producer Jermaine D’Vauz, who earlier this week shared his support for Morrison by performing the Liberal Party’s election tune ‘There’s A Whole In Your Budget’ on Instagram (pictured) 

No-show: However, conspicuously absent from the table was Henderson's co-host and fellow Morrison supporter Kyle Sandilands (pictured)

No-show: However, conspicuously absent from the table was Henderson’s co-host and fellow Morrison supporter Kyle Sandilands (pictured) 

Vote 1 Liberals: Sandilands and Henderson (together, left) recently revealed they’d be voting for Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) when polls opened for the federal election

‘Like, when the world’s in s**t, I like to keep with experienced people that actually know what’s going on,’ the right-leaning radio announcer added.

Henderson replied: ‘That’s why when it comes to elections, Kyle, politicians don’t mind the idea of a possible war breaking out because [voters] do like to stay with the one in charge.’

However, Sandilands and Henderson’s prediction didn’t eventuate on Saturday night after Scott Morrison conceded defeat to Labour leader Anthony Albanese. 

Mr Morrison (pictured with his daughter Lilly and Abbey as he conceded defeat) congratulated Mr Albanese on his election win

Mr Morrison (pictured with his daughter Lilly and Abbey as he conceded defeat) congratulated Mr Albanese on his election win

With Mr Morrison saying he would stand down as leader, Defence Minister Peter Dutton is widely expected to become opposition leader.

Mr Morrison has meanwhile congratulated Mr Albanese on his election win. 

‘When we see those in Ukraine fighting for their very freedom and liberty, I think on a night like tonight we can reflect on the greatness of our democracy,’ he said.

‘It is proper to acknowledge the functioning of our democracy. I’ve always believed in Australians and their judgment and I’ve always been prepared to accept their verdicts and tonight they have delivered their verdict, and I congratulate Anthony Albanese and the Labor Party and I wish him and his government all the very best.’

'It is proper to acknowledge the functioning of our democracy':  Mr Morrison congratulated Mr Albanese on his election win

‘It is proper to acknowledge the functioning of our democracy’:  Mr Morrison congratulated Mr Albanese on his election win


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