Sydney Watson tells Twitter trolls the only thing they’re fighting is ‘high cholesterol’


An Australian woman who sparked an online storm after she complained about being wedged between two ‘obese people’ on a flight has hit back at haters who asked her to ‘square up’ – saying the only thing their fighting is ‘high cholesterol’.

Sydney Watson took to Twitter to defend herself against trolls who took offence after she said she was unfairly ‘sandwiched’ between two overweight people on an American Airlines flight from New York to Dallas earlier this month. 

The 29-year-old posted a screenshot of a hate message she received from a woman who called her a ‘fat, ugly, disgusting f***’ and told her to ‘rot in hell’. 

Another took to their Instagram Stories and asked Ms Watson to ‘square up’. 

‘You beat my a**. I leave you alone. I beat your a** you shut the f*** up and stop spewing your f***ing revolting, uneducated vitriol for once and all.’

‘Ma’am please. The only thing you’re fighting is high cholesterol,’ Ms Watson replied. 

Sydney Watson tells Twitter trolls the only thing they’re fighting is ‘high cholesterol’

Sydney Watson (pictured) took to Twitter to defend herself against trolls who took offence after she said she was unfairly ‘sandwiched’ between two overweight people on an American Airlines flight from New York to Dallas earlier this month

The 29-year-old posted a screenshot of a hate message she received from a woman who called her a 'fat, ugly, disgusting f***' and told her to 'rot in hell' (pictured)

The 29-year-old posted a screenshot of a hate message she received from a woman who called her a ‘fat, ugly, disgusting f***’ and told her to ‘rot in hell’ (pictured)

‘Words can not describe how much I wish you didn’t have a platform to open your fat f***ing mouth ever again,’ another troll wrote. 

‘I can’t wait for the day you become a gross fat mom and we can all post photos of your body and make fun if it for millions to see.

‘Go EAT THE BIGGEST FATTEST C***. F*** you S***dney’.  

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Ms Watson told her 300,000 followers she was going to make ‘merch’ inspired by the debacle which she joked had ‘squashed’ the sanity out of her. 

She posted a side-by-side photo of her posing in a low-cut black dress with a message from a hater calling her ‘fat’ with the caption: ‘Oh’. 

‘If anything, you need to eat more,’ one of her supporters said. 

The Australian-American conservative political commentator has double-downed on her suggestion obese people should have to pay for an extra seat on flights.

Sydney Watson sparked a storm after she shared a photo of her three-hour flight and complained about being ‘wedged between two obese people’ 

‘I don’t think it’s right ever to put a regular-sized person in a situation where they have their space encroached upon,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.

‘For them (a regular-sized person) to be touched without their consent and in my case having to contort in really weird positions to fit in the situation.

‘I don’t think people really recognise or realise how bad it was because I wasn’t able to get a full shot of how bad it was. But it was absurd.’ 

She posted several photos from her seat on the plane, telling Twitter followers she couldn’t even use her arm rests ‘because there’s no f***ing room’. 

‘I’m sick of acting like fatness to this extent is normal. Let me assure you, it is not.’

‘If you need a seat belt extender, you are TOO FAT TO BE ON A PLANE,’ she wrote. ‘Buy two seats or don’t fly.’

After complaining about her ordeal online, American at first brushed off the complaint but later offered her a $US150 voucher towards another flight.

Ms Watson shared another picture of her legs squeezed between the two obese passengers

Ms Watson shared another picture of her legs squeezed between the two obese passengers

Ms Watson, who is spending two weeks in Melbourne to catch up with family, said her photos did not convey the ‘absurdity’ of the situation.

She said her biggest issue with the flight had been a lack of personal space. 

Ms Watson asked the brother, who was sitting in the aisle seat, if he would swap with her to sit next to his sister but he declined.

‘I have to assume it’s because he knew being sandwiched with his sister for a multiple hour flight would have been quite uncomfortable for them,’ she  said.

‘To have at least part of his body sitting out in the aisle was probably preferable to being squashed next to her and next to me.

‘They were probably anticipating or hoping that there would be a vacant middle seat which is why they booked the way they did.’

American Airlines initially told Ms Watson it caters to passengers of all shapes and sizes before offering her a $150 coupon to use towards another flight - which she says isn't good enough

American Airlines initially told Ms Watson it caters to passengers of all shapes and sizes before offering her a $150 coupon to use towards another flight – which she says isn’t good enough

Ms Watson (pictured) said it is increasingly challenging to call out the problem of obesity because in many Western countries 'people are fatter than they are thinner'

Ms Watson (pictured) said it is increasingly challenging to call out the problem of obesity because in many Western countries ‘people are fatter than they are thinner’

Ms Watson told Daily Mail Australia the $150 voucher from American Airlines wasn’t good enough and the airline should have followed its policy of making people who are too big to fit comfortably in a seat buy the one next to them.

The airline’s website states customers who ‘do not have enough space to even sit in their seat and buckle their seatbelt’ are referred to as ‘passengers of size’.

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It states that ‘any traveller who requires an additional seat will be given an additional seat whenever one is available’. If there are no empty seats on a plane ‘that passenger may be required to purchase a second seat and wait for a new flight’. 

She believes it is increasingly challenging to call out the problem of obesity because in many Western countries ‘people are fatter than they are thinner’.

A 2008 study found that Australia had more obese adults as a percentage of population (26 per cent) than America did (25 per cent). 

‘The body positivity/fat acceptance movements have tried to harness this shame and do away with it,’ Ms Watson said.

She shared an email she received from the company on Monday, where American Airlines apologised and offered her a US$150 coupon to use towards another flight

She shared an email she received from the company on Monday, where American Airlines apologised and offered her a US$150 coupon to use towards another flight

Ms Watson is an Australian-American conservative commentator with more than 300,000 Twitter followers who was raised in Melbourne but has lived in the United States since 2019

Ms Watson is an Australian-American conservative commentator with more than 300,000 Twitter followers who was raised in Melbourne but has lived in the United States since 2019

‘Which is why you see so much of this “fat and proud” type of commentary from overweight people. Although, I personally think that’s a “cope”.

She said she had received support from self-confessed ‘fat’ people and said obesity is a problem that needs to be called appropriately.

‘We absolutely need more truth in talking about this,’ she said. 

‘More people die annually from obesity related issues than malnutrition. 

‘It doesn’t help that our society isn’t structured around healthiness – we’re mostly sedentary, our food is full of chemicals and additives, going “to the gym” and “eating healthy” are considered an achievement.’


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